Krislynn completely ignored him. “Giddy up,” she shouted cheerfully. “Giddy up horsey! Giddy up!”

Glad nobody was available to witness this whole charade, Chase quickly started crawling down the hallway – the faster he got to the elevator, the faster he could put this whole thing behind him. Still, try as he might, the corridor was long and the elevator was on the other end of it. Deciding that a one second break won’t hurt, he slowed down and paused after passing the halfway point just as the door he stopped in front of opened.

A pair of high heels stopped just outside the door. “Oh my god, last night was so much fun! I wonder what happened to Kris...”

A long awkward silence filled the atmosphere as both Krislynn and Chase looked up and found Michelle looking down at them with a blank expression on her face. “Yeah last night was fun,” a familiar male voice echoed from inside the room she just stepped out of. “You’re so smart for telling me to send them up into a hotel room and then leave them there. They have some messed up sexual chemistry. I bet you anything they banged.”

Seth appeared not a second after his statement, towering behind Michelle in front of the doorway. “Why are you just standing there Shell-bell? Is there...” His eyes found the image his fiancée was apparently fixated upon, and he too, stood there without movement. “What kind of sick fantasy are you guys playing out?”

Chase snorted. Then he reared back like an ill-breed stallion and dropped Krislynn on her ass before dusting himself off and swinging his arm around Seth’s neck, pulling him along as he took long strides down the corridor.  

Rubbing her behind which had just kissed the floor, Krislynn staggered to her feet with Michelle’s help and then glared into Chase’s back as he made it to the end of the hallway and then disappeared inside the elevator. The nerve of him! Why did he always have to act that way – nice and playful one moment and then cold and brutal the next!

Michelle’s devious smirk – which Krislynn was slowly getting used to – spread like strawberry jam across her face. “So how was it?” She chirped.

“Horrible!” Krislynn shouted. “He didn’t even last two seconds!”

A couple hours later, after a warm shower and a fresh change of clothes, Michelle took Krislynn out for lunch at one of her favourite spots downtown. The guys had long disappeared off elsewhere after checking out, and Krislynn had hitched a ride back to Michelle’s apartment with her where they freshened up.

“I’m so mad at you.” With her head placed on the wooden exterior of the table, Krislynn circled her arms around her stomach which gurgled and rumbled like a ship being thrown back and forth across the ocean surface. “I can’t believe you set us up.”

Michelle only laughed as she blew on her latte and then elegantly took a sip. “Sorry. Habit of mine. Besides, I had to help you get Chase into the palm of your hands before that vixen gets to him.”

With that word, Krislynn lifted her head. “You mean LaCienega?”

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