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Cassie's Pov

We have a new member on our team now. Our new member is called Triplett.

I was reading in the living room when Trip came in. I hadn't talked to him much.

"Hi" said Trip  to me

"Hay" I said

"What you reading" he asked me

For as long as I could remember I have always loved to read. I muttered what I was reading.

"I Love that book" he said

"It's my favourite I read it when I was fifteen when I still living in care and the book saved my life" I said

"How come you were in care" he asked

"I was kiddnaped when I was eleven me and my new born sister were put into care and I ended living with her but after since problems I wasn't allowed to have her with me till life settled down" I told him slightly surprised I said it so easily as after all the bad stuff I have been through I only normally tell close friends the whole story

"Oh God I'm so sorry" he told me

"What about you, you have a perfect home life like me"  I asked him

He laughed.

"Um yes in the sense I had the good life" he told me

We laughed.

"Enjoying being on the team" I asked him


"Really" I asked him

"Fine I feel like a bit of loner" he muttered

"Your be fine you can always hang out with me and Sky we were the loners of the team"  

I remembered I had to go out and see Sky.

"See you around" I said

"See you"

Me and Sky were out just having fun when I was shoved to the ground there was five people. I know at once they were some of the people who kidnaped me. They all charged at me. I fought them back till they were all dead.

"What's wrong" Sky asked me

"They were people involved or well at least work for the people who kidnapped me" I muttered

 I don't know why that was the moment I thought about my little sister. I don't why  I just felt like I need to see her.

"Come on lets go" I said


 Coulson has brought some more people on her team. Now we have this guy called Mack and we have Trip and also this English guy called Hunter.

"Guys" said Hunter

 We turn.

"Why didn't you ask me to go to a party" he said  "What's wrong" he said noticing our appearance.  Hunter was clearly the party type

"I was attacked by the guy who kidnaped me when I was a kid" I said

"Oh god you alright" Hunter asked

"Yes but I need to go. I just have to go see my sister" I said

"Sure" said Hunter

 For once Hunter doesn't tell us stories about his demons  ex wife Bobbi or any story. I like Hunter. He may be a little odd sometimes but I like him.

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