The Perfect Christmas

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Jay had one box left. It was a relatively small box. He opened it. There was a note before the actual present. He read:

Dear whoever is reading this again,

It's Carlos again! I wanted to give you this. Wear it and that will be the thank you I want. I make these myself and I try to make every single one as special and unique as the other. This one was made for you. I hope that if I ever see someone wearing my bracelet then maybe we could talk. I don't know. I'm so lame Haha. Anyway I hope you love your presents.

Merry Christmas,

Carlos xx

Jay put the paper down and looked into the smaller box. It was a bracelet with the number 8 on the front and 101 on the back. It was silver. Probably real diamonds if this guy was really rich enough to do this for so many people.

Angels do exist... Jay thought. He put on the bracelet. "I'm never taking it off." He whispered. "This Carlos is a good boy with the right mind set doesn't he?" Jafar asked smiling at his son. "Yeah. He does." Jay said smiling back at his father.

Jafar was happy he had a son. If not he would be all alone like he was when Iago left him. All those years trapped alone in that lamp. He would never trade his son for anything. That's a fact.

Later they decided to put majority of the things they got in their rooms. The rest that wouldn't fit stayed in the living room next to the tree. Jay laid in his bed with his new phone. He didn't know what to do with it. It had apps already downloaded and all that.

He put it down. He looked at his room. He had a lot of things he needed. He got a mini fridge for fucks sake! He had piled upon piles of clothes. He really didn't know how to respond to all this stuff he's never had. he decided to just go to sleep.

"Thank you Carlos." He whispered before he drifted off.

_Christmas Eve(yesterday)with Carlos_

"And there. Last surprise has been sent successfully." Sixteen year old Carlos said closing his laptop. He got up then went downstairs. "Finished already Carlos?" Cruella asked looking at her son.

"Yup! Everything is ready and set. I just wish I could see the look on all their faces. Or at least meet one. Seven years of this and still I've met not one of the people I've helped." He sighed. "Well maybe you will one day. If you can ship out surprises to that many people at least one of them will find their way to you." Cruella said ruffling Carlos' hair. Carlos chuckles. "Thanks mom." He said.

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