Chapter 11

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In August, management allowed to the boys two weeks break after the shoot of their new video clip in England and before the release of their second single. Charles and Andrew were perfectly aware that they had overworked them. It crossed their mind that one of the boys could have a nervous breakdown and had no other choice than to slow the pace for a bit. Those holidays came at the right time, the boys were physically and mentally drained.

After spending one week with his family, Gabriel went with Louis to Mallorca just the two of them. They rented a modern villa, far away from the unwanted stalkers with an infinite swimming pool that was overhanging the sea. Everything was so peaceful and quiet around them. They could finally let themselves be in their own little world for a time and be far away from all the madness that was surrounding their life.

Even if they knew each other for a year now, Louis never ceased to amaze Gabriel. Louis was his best friend, his lover, his soul mate. The chemistry between them was still intact. They never get bored and could still keep long conversations on many subjects from serious to silly one at all time. They were attentive, respectful to each other and never took the other one for granted.

Gabriel loved being domestic, he really enjoyed cooking for Louis and even cleaning up his mess. But outside the walls of their apartment, Louis was the one in charge of the important matter and he always astonished Gabriel to see how Louis could switch from being an irresponsible baby who could not stop messing around to someone extremely mature, able to speak and stand for himself to protect those he loves in a fraction of second. Gabriel also liked how Louis always managed to keep surprising him, like this morning when he said that he told his mother and friends that they were together. Gabriel was deeply touched, finally Louis was ready to see a future for them.  

The sun was caressing his face and he looked at Louis who was lying down on the sun lounger next to him. Gabriel could not stop staring at him, lurking with his eyes every part of Louis' perfect tan body until an unpleasant knot settled inside his stomach.

"Tomorrow, this perfect week will be over." Gabriel's voice broke off despite of himself.

"Are you alright?" Louis immediately asked.

"Not really."

They have been purposely avoiding the subject since the beginning of their holiday. Louis will soon meet the girl who will be his girlfriend and Gabriel could not stand anymore the idea especially after seeing pictures of her. She was a beautiful red hair with wavy long hair, turquoise blue eyes highlighted by long eyelashes, perfect full red lips and a body to die for. She looked like a model. She was a student in fashion at the University of London, part time actress and the sister of one of their management employee. They needed an unknown and reliable girl fast. Gabriel felt threatened by her, she was perfect for Louis. 

"Gabriel, is it about Grace?"

"Yes." He lowered his face.

Louis stood up and sat in front of Gabriel. He cupped Gabriel's chin with his hand to have a better look to his angelic face. His eyes were watering.

"Oh baby, please don't cry." His heart dropped, he could not bear to be the one responsible for Gabriel's tears.

"I love you Louis." Gabriel uttered suddenly. He did not even plan to say it at this moment even if he was sure about it since day one. But he was scared that Louis could slip away from him soon. He wanted at least to let Louis know how he felt about him. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Louis wiped a tear with his finger on Gabriel's cheek. "I swear Gabriel I will always protect you and... And I love you too."  He said without taking his breath.

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