"Congratulation boys, you made it! I am so proud of you. How is everything going? Good? You like it?" He moved closer to them and took successively each of them between his strong arms.

The boys could sense that he was proud of them and they felt honoured. They were glad to not have deceived him. They owed him everything.

"We love it," William exulted, "it's incredible, we are so happy."

"That's good. I've got great news from you.  I signed on your behalf, as you gave me the right to do so on your contracts, a deal with Thunder record.  It's a powerful label in the US and they have the resources on every level to help you break the US market. They believe in your success."

"What?" Oliver said astonished.

"Yes, and you will be the first English boys' band to do it, after the Beatles of course. Keep working hard and you will be famous over there. That's it boys, it was the only thing I needed to say to you. However, Gabriel and Louis you stay here Charles wants to see you. Alex, William and Oliver you can go."

"Why we can't stay?" Alex asked with a wary tone.

"Charles needs to talk to them privately. "

Andrew could see that none of the boys moved, they were concerned about Louis and Gabriel.

"Don't worry, it's nothing important." Andrew added cheerfully and he stood up and gently pushed the boys out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Gabriel and Louis were now alone in the room. Gabriel breathed deeply, he did not have a good feeling on what was going to happen. Louis felt it and reached Gabriel's hand, holding it strongly.

"It's going to be okay." Louis promised softly.

Gabriel moved his head in disagreement, "No it won't."

Charles made his entrance and stood in front of them. "Good morning boys, so you know that you are about to enter into the US market..." His face fell down. "I did not want to come to this but we need now to take some drastic decisions." His voice was softer. "You relationship starts to raise eyebrow. The affection you two have for each other is blatant during the interviews and it went to an incredible friendship to a romantic relationship. The fans even mixed your names together and call you 'Louriel Spenson'. It's harmless for the image of the band for the moment but as we have decided that Gabriel will be pushed as the front man for the US market..."

"No I don't want that, I don't want to be the front man!" Gabriel interrupted, "We are a band!"

"Gabriel, you have something that the others don't have. Girls like you better, media like you better. You have the charisma of a pop star. You will be the front man whether you like it or not. Your face and name will represent Young Up Spirit."

"It's unfair." Gabriel said desperate but he knew it was a pointless fight. He had no leverage on them whatsoever.

"I'm sorry Gabriel. But I'm not finished yet, as you are going to be the front man we need to kill the rumour about you and Louis."

"You are not going to make me break up with him?!" Louis threatened, his eyes becoming darker.

"It would be simpler but no, I can't force you to do that. Fortunately we came up with a plan. Louis as Gabriel need to be single, you'll be the one to have a public relationship with a girl."

"You're joking, right?" Louis asked spitefully and he could feel Gabriel's hand clenching on his leg.

"It's for the good of the band. Okay, let me put it in another way, are you ready to go out there and tell the journalists, your fans that you are gay and together? Really?"

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