Chapter 26 - Round Four! The Lucky Number?

Start from the beginning

Ash nodded and Pikachu frowned. "I am just wondering if anyone has already been up there already, or if we are the first here"

"True, because if other people have already snatched up the numbers over 64, we have a higher chance of winning" Clemont nodded, satisfied with those odds.

"Number three, alright!" Gary fist pumped, holding the ball with the number '3' on it. 

"Wow, nice going Gary. Guess today is your lucky day" Miette said, slowly stepping past everyone. "Guess I'll have to get number one and prove my own luck"

"Everyone seems so confident today" Clemont commented, adjusting his glasses slightly.

"You don't seem too confident, Clemont" Serena said, folding her arms as they watched Miette saunter over to the table.

"Nope" Clemont gulped, then laughed a little to shadow his nervousness. 

Miette stopped at the table and then extended her arm to the lever, spinning it around and around. The balls within the machine began to spin, the lever causing four spikes within the round box at the end to spin round at round, catching the numbered balls with each turn and flipping them around, until, one fell out of the compartment and rolled down the ramp towards Miette, who picked it up and studied the number.

"Oh my!" Miette gasped for breath, staring at the ball with shock. 

"What is it?" Ash came rushing over, followed by the others.

They all looked at the ball, that had the number '64' on it.

"I guess that is luckier than the number one" Clemont hiccuped nervously, covering his mouth.

"Well done!" Serena said happily, then looking at the machine. "I need to go next"

"Why?" Ash said. "Are you just 'feeling the luck'?" 

Serena glanced him a look that said It's my turn.

"Ok, ok!" Ash laughed nervously, backing off a little. "Serena looked kind of scary there, maybe she is feeling really lucky" 

"Well, after what happened today, or last night, we all need some luck" Clemont sighed a little.

"What happened?" Ash said, confused.

"Wait, what?" Miette, who was still watching Serena, aimed her question at Ash.

"You didn't have a nightmare with your greatest fear?" Gary asked Ash, who just scrunched up his face, confused by the question. "Take that as a no" 

"So, all of you guys did?" Ash asked, watching as they all nodded in turn.

"We think it was those Team Shadow freaks" Miette shivered at the name.

"I suspect that they have Darkrai, causing some problems" Clemont said with a slight nervousness in his voice. 

Could he get any more nervous? Ash wondered.

"Ok, well that must mean they are planning something, big" Ash emphasised the 'big' with his arms, spreading them out wide to give everyone the bigger picture. 

"Whatever it is, we better stay on alert" Gary, who hadn't said much, warned the others. 

Everyone nodded, understanding the situation. Ash wondered where the others where, and as if he conjured them up, the rest of the gang came through the door.

"Oh, hey guys!" Dawn and May said in unison, turning to each other. "Jinx! Stop copying me! Urgh!" 

"Piplup..." Piplup stared at Dawn, who turned away from May in frustration. 

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