Chapter 27: GOTCHAAA

Start from the beginning

"But this is special to you Baekhyun~"

"That's why I'm giving it to you..cause your special.."A blush crept your face..he was soo sweet to say that to you..
You hugged him and he hugged you back

"Good Luck~"he whispered.

During exams each section was scattered,In your room you were only left with Kai and Suho Others were in the next room..
Then you noticed that You were in the same room as Kwangyeol He sat beside Kai who was also at your left which made Suho at your right

"Ok class exams will start now! Please keep your reviewing materials now..and class GOOD LUCK~!!"

You looked at the first question and you smiled because you knew the answer..Every time you had a question that you think it's hard you grabbed on the necklace Baekhyun gave you...

Kai's POV

The test was as usual piece of cake...ofcourse Cyborg hehe

While I was looking out the window..My seatmate really is afraid to show his answers it's like his whole body would cover his paper if possible!

Then I noticed an extra piece of paper beside his hand.......


How could this boy cheat all his way to the top??

While Minnie is doing all she could to go to the top! This is unacceptable! I stood up and went to Mr.Park

"Yes Mr.Kim? Is there something wrong?"

" seatmate...I saw him looking at a piece of paper..."

Then Mr.Park went straight to Kwangyeol which seems to be the name of my seatmate..but wait..that name is so familiar...AHH! The student that Minnie really wants to beat! Well I guess she did it!

End of Kai's POV

Min Jae's POV

I was about to answer the final question then suddenly Kai stood up and went to Mr.Park..I wonder what's his problem..the he whispered something to him and Mr.Park's eyes grew bigger..he went straight to KwangYeol and it revealed a piece of paper! With all the answers in the test in it! He was cheating!!! He was freakin' cheating!! I really didn't expect this right now...he was asked to leave the room and can't take the test anymore..he made a major offense! Then all I have to do now is ace this test and hope To top ...


FINALLY! Exams are DONE!

I think I did my very best and thanks to Baekhyun's lucky charm! I didn't feel pressured actually it was sorta easy..

"Minnie!! How did it go for you??" Suho said excitedly

"Piece of cake!" I said with all confidence

"I really hope you'll top Minnie"Kai said holding on to my shoulders

We got out and saw the rest waiting for us..

But I noticed this one girl...

She was looking at me shyly I wanted to talk to her but she already left...

"Minnie! I missed youuuu!"Sehun hugged me at the back

I ruffled his hair to let me go..

"I think this means a celebration!!"Chanyeol said raising his hands


"But the results aren't out yet!"

"then we'll have another celebration when they come out!"Baekhyun said

You couldn't react more cause they already tugged you outside..



The seven of you decided not to open the shop for today.. All of you went straight to the mall,
here comes the death stares from girls~ But you didn't care cause you're already used to it and if they try anything to hurt you you'll know EXO will be there..they're your Saviors they're your Cyborgs..then you remembered the 5 signs..


"We'll actually...I..became..human.."

Your eyes widened you didn't expect for her to say such thing..

But she really acted like a human of course like EXO

"Wha- but how??"

"I--fell in love..."


"This world has things no one can really explain..Min Jae.."

" did you know that you turned..HUMAN?"

"As I remember...5 signs *wink*"

Your eyes literally sparkled

"First sign! Getting tired!"

"Second! Getting jealous!"

"Third! blushing"

"Fourth! Heart beating!"

" And fifth!"

Aish! Yura Unnie didn't finish it *sigh*

*Wait...D.O. Said about his heart beating right???*You thought..



3000+ reads TT^TT thank youuuu sooo muchhh!

I know I haven't updated for a long time and I really want to thank all of my readers and silent readers right now...THARANGHAEEEEEE (saranghae Sehun version)

please do continue commenting about my stowyyyy :*****


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