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Dean pulls up to the corner store and parks the black impala. We climb out at walk inside.

"We need a breakfast and lunch for 3 people." Dean says, as we walk in.

"What about Castiel?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"He's an Angel, he doesnt need food." He says. We walk in and I find myself the things, Dean get his and Sam's. We pay and walk back to the car, a headache forming in the front of my head. I sit in the front, dumping the bags in the backseat. The headache worsens and I rub it with my free arm.

"You ok?" Dean asks, keys in the ignition but engine not running. I nod, before wincing. "Mark?" He asks. I scrunch up my eyes and groan. "Hey." He puts a hand on my shoulder, images pass infront of my eyes...

I am walking dow the street.

The Impala dashboard.

The demon has a target, he draws near and walks into the club.

Dean, looking at me with a worried look.

He fingers the gun and draws it.

The headaches subsides.

"Dude." He reverses quickly and races back to the safehouse. It takes about half the time to get back. Dean skids to a halt. "Leave those." He says, climbing out and running to the door. I follow. Sam looks up.

"Wheres the f-"

"Mark had a vision." Dean says, interrupting Sam. Cas looks at me.

"Dean are you sure?" Sam asks.

"Yes! Everything was exactly the same as yours, when you had them." He says. Sam turns to me.

"What did you see?" Sam asks.

"I, saw, a club." I say. "And I felt my hand wrapping around a gun." I add. Cas, Dean and Sam look between each other.

"I never felt anything." Sam says to Dean, tilting his head slightly. Dean looks at me.

"He does nkt contain any Demon Blood,so he is nkt the same as Sam." Castiel turns to me. "Be, extremely descriptive about what you saw." Cas says.

"Um, it was, through someones eyes. They were walking down a street then went into a club. They pulled out a gun and..." I shrug. "Thats it." Cas disappears and reappears.

"He just attacked a nightclub in Chicago." He says when he gets back.

"That far away?" Sam says, stunned. The headache is returning, but it doesnt go over a small pain, barely noticeable.

"Should we uh." I say, motioning back to the door.

"Yeah. We'll be back in a second." Dean says before he and I grab the food out of the car.

We sit at the table, Dean with his pie, Sam and a salad and me with my sandwich, dropping bits everywhere. Cas watches us. I look up at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Do you always do this?" I ask. Dean looks at me and shakes his head. We finsih eating and Sam stands.

"Dean, we need to talk." He says, Dean looks at him and stands also, walking outside with Sam. I stand also, walking over to the window. I look out to see them start talking, Dean looking at Sam angrily and Sam looking just as pissed. Did I do something? I sit on the old worn couch and rest my head in my hand.

What if Jack is possessed forever?
What if they have to kill him?

I sigh and feel someone sit beside me. He hesitantly puts and arm around me, careful of my shoulder.

"You're afraid." Castiel says, he deep voice slightly weary. I nod. "It's alright to be scared." He says, leaning down. "Why are you scared?" He asks. I look at him.

"My friend is possessed by a demon, why do you think I am scared?" I snap. He looks at the ground. I sigh again and Cas stands. Sam storms back in and I hear the impala start up.

"Sam, where is Dean going?" Castiel asks.

"He went to get spray paint." He says. "And, other things." He looks at me. I rub my head, the headache is slightly worse, but not unbearable. "Mark, are you ok?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, I'm alright. D-do have any panadol?" I ask.

"Uh yeah somewhere." He opens a cupboard and searches through. Then bam. My head feels like it is splitting.

"Mark!" Castiel yells. Kneeling in front of me, hand on my uninjured shoulder.

He walks us into a town, a small town.

Sam rest a hand on my back.

"Mark, hey hey." He says. Castiel has a desperate look on his face.

We walk up to a car, a sleek black American muscle, chrome finish and he could tell, a devils trap under the boot lid, he'd been there before. There is a man sitting in the front seat, reading something, a leather book. He opens the door and sits in the back.

"Hello Dean." He says for me. The man in the front, Dean looks up as the back door is closed. He raises his hand and Dean slides into the door of the car, Dean groans. My other hand is raised and the car starts, driving down the road.

I gulp in air. I am now lying down. Castiel puts a hand on my head, his other holding my hand. I scramble away from him and hit my shoulder in the process.

"God damn!" I yell, holding my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Mark." Castiel says, Sam leans on the back of the couch.

"What did you see?" Sam demands.

"I, I climbed into Deans car, and slammed him against the door, and drove off with some mind thing." I say. Sam jumps up and uses the rest of the paint to draw a symbol on the ground. I ask what it is.

"Its a devils trap, for trapping demons." Sam explains. Just as he finishes there is a low rumble out side as the car pulls up.

I look out the window at the wooden house. He shoots the walls, hitting the edges of the sigils, breaking them. I open the door, pulling Dean over the back seat with the weird mind thing. He walks us up the stairs, Dean floating behind us. We kick open the door, it splinters and cracks. I am grabbed and pulled forward. He sighs and looks around the room, there are 3 other men, one really tall one with longish hair, one in a trenchcoat and...


We All Have Our Demons (jacksepticeye x markiplier x supernatural)Where stories live. Discover now