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(This chapter contains strong themes, but you should be ok, I mean, you've probably seen Supernatural)

*Deans POV*

I drive down the road and look in the mirror at Mark, then out of the corner of my eyes at Sammy.

"Hey, Sammy." I say. He looks over at me. "Would you mind... calling, Cas?" I ask him, leaving a pause so he new which calling. He nods and looks at his knees, closing his eyes. I look at Mark through the mirror again. "Hey, ah, make sure you're shuffled right over behind Sam, okay." I say, Mark nods and shuffles over.

"He should be on hi-" Sam starts, but he is interrupted by a yelp from Mark.

"The fuck are you!?" I yell at the new arrival. Dean smiles and shakes his head.

"Dean. Who is this man?" The guy asks.

"His name is Mark, we were hoping he could help us with this demon problem we have." Dean explains. The guy turns back to me.

"Hello Mark, I am Castiel." He says. "I am an Angel of the Lord." I nod, shocked and confused.

"You see, Cas here, he's the one who told us where the demon was going in the first place, before that whole thing with your friend." Sam says. I nod again, I'm doing a lot of that while seated in this car.

"Where are we headed?" I ask, noting we have been driving for nearly half an hour.

"We have a safe house, we thought we'd stay there instead." Dean says. We drive for another, maybe quarter of an hour before we reach a driveway. Dean pulls onto the gravel and drives up. I look over at Castiel and see he is staring out the window. Dean parks the Impala out the front and climbs out, so does Sam. I open my own door and stand, closing it slowly. I look at the house with wide eyes.

"What are they for?" I say, pointing to the symbols painted in white and red on the walls of the wooden hut.

"Keeping things out or away." Sam says, walking up to the door. Dean unlocks it and we walk in, Castiel showing off a little and teleporting to the door. Dean goes straight to the fridge and grabs out two of the bears from the fridge.

"Want one?" He asks.

"No, I can't drink." I say, Sam looks at me with an expression of disappointment. They open their bottles and sit down. I sit next to them. "Explain to me more about the demon." I say. Dean looks at Sam.

"Ok." Sam says.

My vision slowly fazed back, I am in a large room filled with people. My arm moves to my waist, and I realise my face is hidden by a hoodie and a hat. I pull out... a pistol? No! Put it back! I scream to myself over an over, but my body doesn't act on my wishes. I load the pistol and someone notices. They scream and point, I raise the gun. No... My finger wraps around the trigger and I feel the pull, but I didn't do it. The sound is enormous, my face is like stone as the girls body drops.



I move the gun so it points at a man and he looks at me.

"Anyone try to escape, I will shoot." I say, my voice slightly echoed. A few people nod. I want to stop, but I can't.

"Everything you know from stories about evil and almost every religion is real." Sam says.

"Explain." I say.

"My brother and I, we are hunters, we hunt monsters, like demons, and kill them." Dean says.

"So what?" I say, slightly scared.

"Ghosts are real, you have to burn their remains to kill them. Demons you exorcise, which sends them back to hell. Vampires, you don't stake them, you decapitate them." Sam says.

"Angels, like Castiel, are real, you can only kill them with an Angel Blade, which you get from, an Angel." Dean adds. "Werewolves are real, so are Wendigos, and almost everything else that goes bump in the night."

"What about when you die? What happens then?" I ask, obviously.

"Don't want to ruin the surprise." Dean laughs.

"Dean." Castiel suddenly says. He stands. "He's attacking again." He says, he nkds and him and Sam run outside to the Impala, I follow them.

"Can you handle a shotgun?" Sam asks, I shake my head. Sam rolls his eyes and hands me bottles. "Its holy water." He says, I take it. I look into the trunk of the car and see guns, rifles and blades. My eyes widen. Castiel appears behind Dean. Dean stnads back up, closing the trunk.

"This might be, weird." The Angel says to me. I blink and suddenly we are standing in the back off a room, with a bunch of people, one lying on the floor, bleeding, dead. I my eyes however are locked on the guy with the gun.

"Jack." He says. I turn to him and point the barrel at him. PLEASE! I reload the pistol. NO! I adjust my finger over the trigger. STOP! I pull.

The trigger clicks.
The gun explodes.
The bullet flies.
He screams in pain.
The screaming stops.
He is gone.

I'm sorry...

I'm so so sorry...

We All Have Our Demons (jacksepticeye x markiplier x supernatural)Where stories live. Discover now