Maybe it was because Nolan had been in the front seat and Caleb had been in the back, or maybe it was because Caleb had spoken with the hyper energy the whole way back to the high school, but it wasn't until they started across the parking lot that Nolan noticed that something was wrong.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing," Caleb said. When Nolan just stared at him, unbelieving, he averted his gaze to the ground. "Nothing, really. Just..."


Caleb bit his lip.

"Did Johnny do something?"

His grip tightened on his backpack straps. So, Nolan had guessed correctly.

"What did he do?"

Caleb shrugged.

Nolan sighed. He wanted to press, but doing this in front of Andy and his siblings would only serve to upset Caleb more. So, he just nodded and allowed the subject to drop. For now.

"Who missed us?" Andy called as they returned to the classroom.

Erin and Willow looked away from one of the computers.

"No one?" Andy asked. "Wow."

"I did," Erin said.

"Don't pity me, Bailey."

"Come listen to this," Willow said, waving them over.

They crowded around the computer. Willow unplugged her headset and turned the volume down. "So we don't mess up Max," she said.

"Mess up Max?" Caleb asked.

"He's listening to Nora record a new take," she explained. "But listen."

She pressed Play, and music flowed from the speakers.

"Wait, you recorded the instrumental without me?" Andy asked. "What the hell, man?"

"Swear jar."

"No, this doesn't count. I've been betrayed."

"It was a practice run," Willow said. "We realized it would be easier for Nora to do vocals with cues." When Andy continued to pout, she sighed. "That means we're recording again."

"Oh." He grinned. "I forgive you."


"The moon is out, but there's no light."

Everyone shut up.

Nolan had heard Nora sing before. But hearing her sing now, paired with this somber tune rather than children's worship songs...her voice was beautiful.

"Nora's so good!" Caleb squealed, clapping his hands as the song closed out. "Can we listen to it again?"

They did.

Nolan's fingers tapped against his keyboard, aimless. He couldn't hit Enter.

He was being ridiculous. It was Facebook—it wasn't like he was standing outside his old school, preparing to reenter. But, in a way, that's exactly what it felt like. When he hit Enter, he would be thrown back into the remains of a life that had been stolen away.

Come on.

He had to do it. However, knowing this didn't seem to matter, because his finger refused to put any pressure on the key.

Would Chris be online? He used to live on Facebook.

Nolan chewed on the inside of his cheek. He just wouldn't look at his list of friends online. He wouldn't look at any messages. Just get in, accept friend requests, get access to the group, and get out. Simple.

Before the Morning [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now