Hm? Ah, Yes

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I'm really nervous about how this turned out since it's my first time using a song word for word as a story baseline. 

P.S. no smut. Soz :P

Lelouch started as the table in front of him suddenly overturned. Mildly concerned, he slowly raised his gaze to meet the large pair of shining emerald eyes glaring at him, a storm of emotion churning in their depths. "Suzaku, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Everything is wrong. Your invalid reasons for this Zero Requiem," Suzaku's nails dug into his palm, "are pissing me off, and it is a mistake, like you."

Lelouch's emperor cloak fluttered in the breeze from the open window, giving him an ethereal and unreachable look.

Perhaps that is what Lelouch is, Suzaku thought bitterly. Distant, isolated, walking his own path towards destruction.

The black-haired boy's expression remained indifferent, sharp aristocratic features glowing in the pale moonlight. "Suzaku, I know I'm asking for more than I deserve, but please, do this for Nunnally's sake–"

"See? There it is again. Nunnally this, Nunnally that. But are you really doing this for Nunnally? All your sentimental arguments are just for show, aren't they? In the end, you just want to satisfy your own selfish desires."

Lelouch's gaze hardened, "Perhaps, in a sense you are correct. I wanted to recreate this world into a place where Nunnally could live in peace and love. Yes, you are right. This is all for my own selfish reasons."

A familiar feeling rose in Suzaku. Why can't Lelouch understand him? Why can't Lelouch live for himself?

"You and your lies...your entire life was built upon them."

"And tomorrow they are going to end me."

"If I agree to this plan of yours."

Lelouch whirled around and stepped towards the brunette, "Suzaku, you will fulfil this last selfish desire of mine, won't you?"

"Your geass doesn't work on me anymore."

"I know. This is not an order. Just a pure, simple request."

"'s not simple." An abrupt idea popped into Suzaku's mind, replacing all of his former anger. Suddenly, Lelouch found the edge of the table digging into his lower back and Suzaku's leg between his.

"What if, in return for following that plan of yours, I get a reward too?" The frustrated look in Suzaku's eyes smouldered into something mischievous and dark that Lelouch couldn't place. It made his guts churn in a strange way. 

"You dare," now it was the amethyst eyes' turn to burn, but Suzaku held his ground.

"You never asked about how I feel about this. You merely forced your one-sided plans upon me. The slumbering lion is now awake, and it demands payment for its troubles." With that, the brunette leaned forward until there was no space between their bodies.  

There was a pregnant pause, then what happened next was so unanticipated that Suzaku's breath hitched as Lelouch slipped a finger under the knight's chin and tilted it to face him eye to eye.

"You may have your payment, but you need to be more serious about it, my dear swordsman." Lelouch's eyes glanced towards Suzaku's lips before looking back up through his dark eyelashes. 

"By serious, do you mean demanding? In control? You are trapped here, my highness. I don't think you can run away. Perhaps the mighty tyrant of the world is...afraid?" Suzaku trapped Lelouch's slender body between his arms on the table. He tilted his head, licking his lips as a lion would while hunting his prey. 

Eh? Ah, Sou (SuzaLulu one shots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя