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I opened my eyes to the beeping of my alarm clock, and I smiled as I got up.

It was 6:00, and I jumped up going to the bathroom to take a shower. I plugged in my phone, playing my favorite playlist.

Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy came on. I shrieked as I turned my shower on. I got in, and sung as loud as I could, and I avoided getting shampoo in my eyes.

It takes more skill than you would think! I giggled as I got out, drying my self and my hair off. I blasted Mama by My Chemical Romance and put on a pair of leggings, and a white tee that says cool kids don't die, the 2 o's in cool were yin-yang's and it was galaxy.

Niall would be picking out my clothes at the studio anyway. I put on some eos, my favorite but only because Zayn would be doing my make up.

I dried my hair, and brushed it into its proper place. I grabbed my phone from the dock, and went out to the kitchen to get some coffee. I brewed enough for a couple mugs, since I figured Niall and Zayn would want some coffee.

I made sure to set one of my bags by the front door that contained all of my make up and hair tools and products. That was one reason I needed an entire suitcase.

I grabbed three of my washable Starbucks mugs I have that have and poured mine almost to the top, but added some sugar, 2 spoonful's and a bit of cream.

I left theirs so they can fill it as they please.

It was still 7:00 so I decided to wait 10 minutes to go get them. I sat by the window drinking my coffee, and humming Drag Me Down because I mean honestly its a great song.

You got to love Naughty Boy, he's amazing.

( A/N - I felt like crying the entire time I wrote that sentence omf )

At 7:10 I went to Niall and Zayn's room, knocking.

The door was opened by Niall who still didn't have a shirt on and had a toothbrush in his hand.

"Rough night?" I giggled. He nodded, "Literally." he smirked as he ran back into the bedroom.

I gasped, "Naughty Niall!" he laughed while jogging into his room. I continued drinking my coffee until they both came out 5 minutes later, all ready. "Okay, get your coffee in my apartment and let's get out of here." I locked their door for them considering they ran out leaving it open. I went down to my apartment and while they were getting their coffee I grabbed a small black Couch purse and put mine and their room key in it along with my phone, and wallet. I also grabbed my tote with the hair and make up tools.

I came back out and they were ready to leave.

"Okay we have 2 minutes." I told them as they left the room, me locking it, and I jogged out the door and down the hallway, with the boys following behind.

We got down to the lobby and out the doors right when the limo pulled up.

We jumped in, and were on our way!

I squealed as the boys were looking like the were about to fall asleep on each other. I told them, "You have to at least seem wide awake when you meet Liam. He's the director, and Jess has worked with him before and apparently he's hardcore, and extremely meticulous, but an amazing director because he takes absolutely nothing less than perfect." I nod my head.

"Okay, okay." Zayn grumbled raising his head from Niall's shoulder. I smiled at him. "Aren't you excited?" I frowned at him. "Yes! I mean, of course I am, I am more than happy and appreciative of this. We were just up super late." Zayn said.

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