not an update

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Okay guys, I am starting to dislike this story because of how slow it is going. I began to write Chapter five and I was like I would rather fucking shoot myself before I write any more boring chapters, k?

Okay so what I am going to do is speed up the story by having a time jump of a week, not a lot of time but a lot will happen in that time.

Jess goes off to film her own movie, away from Rose and Niall and Zayn who all travel to New York to do Rosie's hair, makeup, and wardrobe the entire movie.

Rosie ends up getting them their own apartment, ( an extremely nice one at that ) and they will begin their movie soon after the time jump. They live in the same building and on the same floor across from each other, so they can hang out as often as they want!

And we will get to meet Louis and Harry soon, I was just missing not writing about my bby loulou :(

So I'm going to get started now!

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