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I nervously exhaled, ruffling my hair.

I look around the grey room at the other girls around me.

Let me explain. I am an actress. Actually, I'm a pretty good actress. In fact, an extremely famous famous one.

Today I am trying out for a lead part in a movie coming out, called "No Control." ( don't give me shit i know I'm unoriginal )

It's about a particularly uptight girl named Ava King, who graduates at top of her class and attends college, and ends up meeting a boy, Mason Bridges, and clashing with him completely. Ava is strict and likes everything perfect. Mason is laid back, and goes with everything.

After a long hassle, in the end they romantically end up falling for each other in an original yet cliche way. The script is brilliant, and being in this would be a huge step for my career. They also had certain requirements for the actor and actress playing Mason and Ava.

Ava has to have long hair any color, and somewhere between 5'2 and 5'5. Mason has to have brown hair, blue or green eyes, and somewhere between 5'6 and 5'10. And both actors have to be somewhere between 18 and 25.

I don't completely understand why they have these requirements, but they do and luckily I meet them!

I wiggled my foot as I waited for my turn. Finally after a bit, I was brought into a dull grey room, one I had seen plenty of others like this before.

Three people, two men and woman welcomed me.

I introduced myself politely. They told me to recite Act 4, and I proceeded to doing so. I set down the script, and began. 

After I finished, the people applauded for me. One of the men stood up, and walked over to me.

"I will call you sometime in the next three days to let you know if you got the part." he smiled to me as he guided me out. I said goodbye, and went to leave.

I smiled and waved goodbye kindly to the other beautiful girls in the room. They smiled back, and I left.

I got to my car, and started driving back to my house. At a stoplight, I called my best friend, Christina, the girl who I live with. We have 4 houses and an apartment together. A house in LA, Miami, Malibu, Hollywood, and an apartment in New York.

It's always easy having a place in the biggest cities where we always have to travel to.

We have been best friends ever since we were 5 when we first met in Kindergarten. We grew up together, always being best friends through thick and thin. We dealt through a lot when we were younger.

We only had each other most of our lives, which is why we are so close now.

When we graduated through high school, I took up acting classes with her while we both worked part time just to afford a small apartment. When we were 18, we auditioned for lead roles in huge movies for fun, primarily. We did not expect to get them, nonetheless , we tried out.

The next day after our auditions we got called telling us we got the parts. We were so surprised, not everyone becomes famous so quickly, and we were very lucky to be able to do so.

Ever since then, we've been extremely successful and as happy as could be. We are always going to be best friends, and supporting each other through everything.

She picked up after a few rings, sounding out of breath.

"Hey Rosie." she huffed. "Why are you out of breath?" I asked her. "Well I was busy laying on the couch watching TV when you called and I had to run to the kitchen to grab it." she was finally catching her breath. "Christina, the couch is only like 20 steps from the kitchen." I giggled at her. "Well, that's a hard distance to go." she laughed.

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