1. Meeting Adrian

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"You have your mother and stepfather. What about your siblings?" He said angrily “How would they feel if one night you just disappeared?"

"They wouldn't care. Charlie asks me not to come home every night and Mom just agrees with him. Lia hates me because I don't have to come home at all and Jake ... would understand." I whispered. He looked dumbfounded.

"Your parents don't care?" He said questioningly

"Yes, I think I already said that stupid." I said getting up off of the log I was sitting on.

“I am not stupid, just curious.” He smiled

"What ever floats you boat.” I smiled at him. He was really cute. I wanted to run my hand through his hair and see if it felt as silky as it looked.  I wanted to touch his face and see if it felt soft. I had to clench my hand in a fist to stop myself from reaching out to touch him. He seemed to want to the same thing because his hand was in a fist too. He kept glancing at me as if I would disappear in thin air.  I yawned unwillingly. I was super tired.

"Goodnight Serena."  He said and with that I woke up; sweat drenching my face. It felt so real. I walked over to my bathroom to wash the sweat from my face. After I did, I noticed something in my hair. It was a solid green leaf. What the hell. How did that get there? I started freaking out. There was no wind in my room. My window was closed. So how did I get a leaf in my hair?

As I woke up the next morning, I couldn't help but wonder who was that person in my dream was. I didn't want to ponder it for long so I took a shower and by the time I got out it was 7:05. I let it dry natural which was wavy. I threw on my gray shirt and black skinnies. My hazel eyes looked browner today against my blackish brownish red hair. My silver nails were chipped. I would have to redo them soon. I put on my black Nikes, grabbed my phone and ran outside to meet Gracie. Instead of seeing her dark gray car, I saw her boyfriend-Roberto but I call him Robert-'s pitch black one. I sighed as I jumped in the front seat.

"Where is Gracie, Robert?" I asked

"Past your house, around the corner, and up your--"

"Yeah, I know dipshit." I snorted

"Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny sere, nah she ain’t feeling good."

"Yeah, she isn’t feeling good because she drank so much at her house last night.”

 “You know she was going to get drunk, so why did you let her?" He snapped

"Looks like some one is on their man period...."

That must have hit a nerve because he didn't say anything until we got to school and he jumped out of the car. I got out and ran towards a different direction because I did not need to hear any jokes about me today. After my classes, I decided I really should have apologized to Robert because, like I expected he left school with some bottle blonde to err "study" with. I know I should tell Gracie but hey then I’d have to tell Robert about Jack. Gracie's "study" partner but I don't want to deal with them. I decided to walk home. It was a long walk but hey I didn't have anything else to do. I could call Robert and ask him pretty please to come get me. I decided to apologize to him tomorrow morning because Gracie hardly ever picks me up anymore. Just Robert picked me up anymore because he was really nice. It was getting dark so I started fast walking home. I decided to take a shortcut through an alley that led to Gracie's and it would be a shorter walk than the other way. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice somebody behind me until I felt a hand over my mouth and I wanted to scream but I couldn't find my voice. I tried to scream but the hand was too tight.

"DON'T MOVE OR SAY A WORD!" He said into my ear.

"LET GO OF HER!" The boy from my dream shouted at him. He came from no where.

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