More Athletic Ability

Start from the beginning

A few of them mumbled ‘sorry’ but most were too embarrassed to speak. Erin smiled and tried to pick up the mood.

‘So! Time for the last task, I think you are going to like it. It's really fun. Come on then, back through this door.’

The class quietly followed her but she stopped before walking into the door. She turned around and said to them, ‘look, I am not going to continue if you don't get out of this mood. Just because I told you off a little doesn’t mean I want you all to sulk, and it doesn’t mean you should. You really are old enough to accept that you have done something wrong but also to realise that life moves on. So, I'm in a good mood so why shouldn’t you be?’

Everyone fell silent, and then Ron said, ‘Yeah, Erin! Damn right!’ and a massive grin spread across his face. ‘Come on guys, smile!’

Everyone went into a fit of giggles as they watched Ron dance through the door. The mood lightened immediately and when everyone was inside and saw what was in front of them they all fell silent. Harry looked around him, trying to work out what his classmates were thinking but they all looked so shocked that Harry couldn’t work out the feelings inside. He was quite excited about the task in front of him. He knew that he and Hermione would have to do something really miraculous to win this one, but he was willing to try. 

Erin stood in front of them and smiled. ‘Well, what do you think?’

No one spoke until Ginny made a squeaking noise. Erin looked confused. ‘Does that mean you are excited?’ 

‘Yeah, yeah I am.’ she said nervously.

Harry looked again at the task. He was excited because right in front of him was the most complicated, army-like assault course he had ever seen. There were monkey bars, nets, a climbing wall and lots more. 

Harry’s stomach did a frontflip. This was the kind of stuff he had always wanted to do. Actually, when he thought he was a muggle, he actually dreamed of being in the army, doing things like this. He couldn’t wait to get started. Erin coughed to get everyone’s attention.

‘Ahem! You are still going to work in your groups. You will each have to go around the course, completing every task you possibly can. If you are incapable of doing a task, just skip it, but please give it a go. I will be timing you all separately but it is a race between all three teams. You are no permitted to try and put anyone else off the task but you are allowed to encourage your own team mates. When the first person is finished the course, he or she must tag the next runner before they can go. Harry and Hermione, one of you must go twice, I'm afraid. I'm sure you’ll do fine, though. Okay, sort out the order in which you are going and then get ready to go.’

Hermione rushed towards Harry. ‘You’re going twice, no question about it.’

‘That’s fine!’ he said, cheerily.

‘No arguments?’ she said, puzzled. Harry always argued.

‘Nope, I'm really looking forward to this!’

‘Then great. Now come on, you have to stretch before doing things like this.’

Harry groaned. She was such a fusspot, but he stretched anyway. Everyone who saw them seemed to think it was a good idea though, because they all stretched too!

Erin asked them if they were all ready. They all agreed and Erin got out her wand and drew a start line for everyone to stand at. Harry stood at it, ready to go, along with Parvati and Lavender. He grinned and listened for the whistle.

Erin put it close to her mouth and said. ‘One…two…three!’ and blew it. Harry sped off, getting a little head start. The first thing he had to do was get under a net and crawl through it till the end. It was about ten metres long. He only got stuck in it once and tripped when getting out of it but was still in the lead. The next thing he came across was the monkey bars; he swung from them, looking down to see a large puddle of mud below them. He struggled to keep up but got to the end safely. There he found a rope tied to a branch and below him was another large puddle of mud. He had to jump off the platform he was standing on to get to the rope, and he just about made it. He had to swing a few times to get far enough to be able to jump to safety but he landed quite successfully. 

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now