Chapter 13: Reunited and It Feels So Good

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            As much . . . Fun. As it was having random people come visit her Sena wanted today to be a day of work. She made sure to wake up early, start her day off right with breakfast. Maybe clean up her room a bit after and then head to the office. She was happy to be greeted with an empty room and sat down with a grin to start the paper work. A while later Bertha came in, thankfully back to her normal self, and gave Sena a salute.

"Wonderful to have you back, ma'am!"

"Wonderful to be back." Sena continued writing on her papers. It was then she noticed there were a small pile of complaints on her desk from residents in the castle about how some work hasn't been done.

Oh, look. A death threat for the vase in the north hall not being polished enough.

Sena glared at the paper then to Bertha.

"I thought everyone devoted their lives to me, why in the Suns aren't they doing their work?"

Bertha nervously shuffled left and right.

"A-Actually ma'am, the reason why they haven't is because they aren't with us anymore."

Sena blinked and tilted her head.

"Come again? Aren't with us? Did they quite?"

"N-No ma'am, they aren't with us . . . physically and spiritually anymore."

Sena groaned and put her head between her hands.

"They all died?!"

"B-Brutally murdered. Yes, by Samson."

Sena broke the quill that she held in her hand. While she was gone that bastard has been killing off her employees?!

"Have you found why he felt like he should target my maids?"

"Rumor has it a maid, we don't know which, dropped a vase near his room interrupting 'his peace'. Now he keeps killing off each one until he finds the maid that disturbed his peace."

Sena swore and closed her eyes tight. Of course, while she was on leave everything goes to shit on her part of job. Not only are jobs not being done but also now she'll have to replace each maid that has passed. Sena began to think over her options. She could try to find which maid made the mistake, but going through the process of interrogating each one would take took long. Who knows how many more maids Samson would finish off while that's going on. Besides, what would she do once she finds the maid? Make her apologize to Samson? Send her to her death?

She then sighed and stood up from her seat and began to exit her room.

"Call for an emergency meeting, Bertha. I think I've found a way to stop him."

"R-Really?! Ma'am! I knew you were brilliant!"

"We're going to have to fight him."

Bertha fainted behind Sena, because of how large of a woman she was the hall shook at the force of her body hitting the floor. Sena kept walking ignoring the woman's tumble. She then clutched the left side of her stomach where her older scar was.

If she faced and lived Samson once, hell, she could maybe do it twice.


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