Chapter 2: I Demand a Child

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            The Dark King sat on his throne inside a dark room. The sound of stillness in his castle was eerie compared to the outside, unlike usual the Dark King was in displeasure because of it. Usually the quiet peace would have him holding a sadistic grin, knowing that his servants-, wait no, soldiers were fearful to disturb his peace. The Dark King was in quite a distress.

He was suffering from boredom.

The Dark King should have seen this outcome in his future. What else could have happened when he took over a continent? Sure, he still has one more place to conquer before world domination is in his hands. But, what is he to do in the mean time?

Even his children have been obedient to him. Yes, he called his loyal knights and war soldiers his children. He did pick them up from the streets and trained them to be ruthless killers. Some of his more barbaric knights even ceased their cursing. The Dark King would be pleased with this, but now he was even more bored. Without their brash behavior he had no reason to give them a ridiculous punishment.

Well, what the hell else was he supposed to do with his time?

If only he wasn't such a great dictator-, correction, father, then he would still be able to raise his children and live in the nostalgia of when they were young-

Hold on. They were never children.

His yellow eyes widened and his grip on his throne tightened enough to crack the stone material. A sudden feeling welled up in him, he felt cheated. He was known as The Dark King, but he also crowned himself as a father. After all, what other king could raise the knights he did. They were reckless monsters when he first found them, well they are still reckless monsters, but now they obey his every command and can cut down an army.

The Dark King adopted all his children when they were adults!

He was never able to witness them speak their first words, walk their first steps, or even send them to Dark Kingdom Academy.

He will not stand for this! As the next ruler of world, he will receive anything he desires! He will have the joyous memories of being a father! Even if he had to kill a few hundreds more people he will achieve this. But, the problem is how will he achieve it?

There is no chance he is mating with another human even he has his standards and mortals were not them. Taking a child from one of the citizens outside his castle is also out of the question, again he has standards and a popper should never dream of carrying his children. Getting a witch to conjure a child is even worse of an idea. The Dark King knows how crafty those creatures are.

He's seen Macbeth; twice!

If he can't create one-, of course! A grin settled on his face as an idea came into his head. He will have his children give him a grandchild! Even though it wont be his child, he would be satisfied to witness the moments along side his children.

But, a frown settled on his face. Who would be the parents?

As much as he loved every one of his slaves he knew of how catastrophic they were, hell, they were madmen! A great part of him did crave for a grandchild, but if he got two of his children to make another . . . it would surely turn out to be an oddball child. Besides, he frowned upon incest. As much of a Dark King he is he had some morals.

But who shall bear his child!

"Your sire," a voice came from the room's entrance.

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