Chapter Six

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Ivory's POV
In California

Right now Ryder and I were standing in line, waiting to get our room. We would be sharing a room. We had arrived late, and let me tell you. The ride up here was terrible. If you think getting stuck on a charter bus with a bunch of soccer players was lucky, it's not. Especially when there is only one bathroom. I pressed the home button on my phone and checked the time.

2:43 AM

I yawned and leaned into Ryder. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and gently rubbed my back. "I'm sorry this is taking so long." I shrugged and completely collapsed against him. He let out a deep chuckle. Ryder took my bag and laid it over his shoulder and picked me up bridal style. "Go to sleep kitten." I shook my head. "I go to sleep when you go to sleep." He smiled down at me. "Well lucky you, we just got our room key."

I closed my eyes as he carried me to our room. "Here, slide the card in. My hands are kind of full." I gave him a smile and slid the card in the slot. I pushed the handle down, allowing Ryder to push the door open with his foot. He closed the door behind us and set our bags down. He set me down on one of the beds and looked at the empty one before jumping on the bed next to me.

I cuddled under the covers, looking up at Ryder. "What?" He asked while taking off his shirt. I shook my head before closing my eyes. "Goodnight beautiful." I felt my lips tug upward before I drifted into a deep sleep in Ryder's arms.

The next morning, I woke up to Ryder's side of the bed empty and a note on his pillow.

Good morning kitten. Hope you slept well. Coach is having us train for the tournament and I didn't want to wake you. I should be back around one or one thirty. Until then, feel free to play the games on my phone that you love. Have a good day beautiful. <3


I smiled down at the note and grabbed my phone to check the time. Dang, it was already ten. I slept in longer than usual. I yawned and sat up, looking around the empty hotel room. I sighed and decided to get up and shower.

I turned on the hot water and discarded my clothes before stepping under the shower head. I didn't feel like washing my hair.

When I was finished with my shower, I stepped out and headed to the door. I grabbed my phone and looked down at it as I walked out of the bathroom. I saw I had a text from Jackie.

Jackie: Did you guys get there safely?

Me: yeah, we're safe and sound. :)

Jackie: good. I miss you already :( lemme know if anything hot happens between you and mr. captain. ;)

Me: Jackie I highly doubt anything will happen between us.

When she didn't text back, I set my phone on the night stand and dropped my towel continuing to dry myself off. When I looked up I saw Ryder sitting on the bed on the other side of the room. "Oh my god. I'm sorry Ives." I quickly picked up my towel and held it against my chest. "Why didn't you text me and let me know you would be back early?" I practically yelled. He bit his lip. "I left my phone here and I'm sorry. I kept calling your name but you were caught up in your phone."

I blushed and looked down. "I didn't want you to see my body." I whispered. He frowned. "Not to be perverted or anything but your body looks perfect to me." I gave him a light smile. "Let me put some clothes on and then I will explain." Since he had practically seen all of me, I just slipped on some panties and one of Ryder's shirts. I prepared myself for what I was about to tell Ryder.

The Captains Kisses| (#Wattys2016) ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя