Chapter 15 Time Travel

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Avengers POV

Thor looks out the window,foggy from the cold. His hammer was on the floor,next to him. How, he thought to himself,How did he not know about his niece,Marcia? He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't notice Jane walking behind him and wrapping her dainty arms around his giant chest. He snaps out of his thoughts and looks down at her lovingly.

"Is there something in your mind,Thor?You seem distant."she ask,curiously.

He smiles and leads her to the sofa and sits her down.

"Yes,My dear,there is something I have to tell you," he says,nervously,"My brother,Loki has given me some rather important information that he kept hidden for years."

Jane looks at Thor,worried."What is it,dear?"

"Loki had a child. The mother of that child died years ago,and she is my niece." He says,his voice rather tense.

"Ok,is that all? We can find her and can take her in as our own,dear.She can live with us." Jane says,patting Thor's shoulder.

"No, the problem is that I already know who the child is. It is Marcia.She is my niece."

Jane looks at Thor,wide eyed."Oh,and she...oh no."

"Yes,dear.That is exactly how I feel right now."

Jane comes closer to Thor and kisses his cheek."We'll get her back,dear.And maybe,we can adopt her in the future,perhaps,give her a family to live with.Now,why don't we make some poptarts and watch a movie,hm?"

Thor looks at Jane and starts laughing,"What you say is my command,my dear."

Marcia's POV

It is the day before Christmas eve,and boy,was it cold. The headquarters was filled with Christmas spirit as I walk down to get a hot cocoa. I pour in to hot cocoa mix and stir it with a candy cane(hey,peppermint hot cocoa,anybody.It amazing!!!).

I look out the window and admire the snow covered city as I sip my warm drink.My mind felt clearer,now that I don't have to worry The Alter.It took two months to finish,before Christmas.

The worry of avoiding Grayson was gone,but what I fear now is how I am going to break it to him that it's time for me to go. That I won't be seeing him anymore. I pondered on this.

I was so caught up with my thoughts that I didn't notice Peter coming up to me.

"You Ok?"he ask.

"Hmm....Yeah,sure.Just a little chistmas spirited."

He snickers and looks outside."This is perhaps the first time you've had a Christmas without the gang,isn't it?" He asks.

I look down,"Yeah, I just wish I could say 'Hi' to...."

"Marcia!!Get over here!!!Wally did it!!" Artemis and Zatana rush intot eh kitchen and say as they drag me to monitoring center. Wally is on a computer,typing away. A square like frame surrounding it a piece of wire attached to a metal ring.

"Huh?!! What is this,Wally?" I ask.

"I figured out a way to change your tachyon particles that were emitting off of you and reversed engineered a dimension 'looking glass'." Wally says,excitedly."You can finally see your family."

I felt a lump in my throat.A time travel!? I remember when Tony tried making a looking glass that can teleport you through time.That didn't end so well...

"A....a......I" I stutter.

Everyone looks happily at me,everyone except Robin.Robin was in the corner,anger was in his eyes. He tried to be as happy as he can,but I could tell,deep down,he was miserable.I look back at Wally,and sigh,"Thank you,Wally.This is great."

He starts tinkering away,and I start to walk up to Grayson. I could see he was depressed,because he dragged me out of the room and gave me a hug.

"You okay?" I ask.

He lets go. "Yeah."

I squint my eyes.You know how I said I can mimic powers,well they darn come in handy,especially Meghan's powers of reading minds.

I can hear him saying in his mind,"No,I dont want you to go..."

I felt angry," What do you mean,Robin? I'm just going to see my family,I'm not leaving anyone."

His eyes were wide," How did..."

"Gray,I love you, and I want to stay with you,but I have a life back home. You need to know that.If you can't accept that,then you deserve someone else." I say as I leave,before tears fill eyes.

I rush to my room,lock the door behind me and lie on my bed and cry my heart out. He knows I miss my home,he constantly tells me that he will get me home,but now that I know he doesn't want me to go home,it tears a piece of my heart. I cry till my hearts content,that I don't hear the door shaking and creaking open as Grayson walks over to my bed and lies down next to me. I don't bother to look at him. I slowly felt tired from crying that I began to doze off.

Later that day,Grayson wakes me up and says that the machine is ready. I get up and comb my hair. I walk out of my room and rush to the monitors.Wally has set up the monitor and is ready to start the machine.

"Ok,so all I need you to do is begin to combust into energy and it will power the machine "Wally says.

I step on the platform.I never showed my true power before,so this is probably the first. I slowly relax and yell,like Johnny would say,"Flame On!!!" I begin to feel Johnny's powers surge through my body as I combust into pure energy.

"It's working!! Keep going!" Wally says,looking at the monitor. I could see the monitor form a small portal and through it I could see Tony working on something.I begin to combust more and more.I saw the portal change and could see Bruce in the corner of the room,depressed.

"I...can..see them!!!" I yell.

"It almost there." Artemis yells.

I go to my full potential and burst into flames of raging heat. The portal began to shrink,but then grew bigger to see something I'be never seen before.

It was a hooded figure,holding a child.The person dropped the child in front of a buliding doorstep,and was about to leave,when the child began to cry. The figure stopped and took off the hood. It was a woman.The caresses the child cheek and says something.

"Do not worry,Marcantian. I will one day come for you and fulfill my prophecy of taking back my crown and reclaiming my throne that Hermes once proclaimed. Till then, I leave you in good hands" She said before she left.

I stopped combusting, causing the portal to close and send a wave of energy and fling me to the wall. I slide down to the ground, my shock still plastered on my face. What did I just see? I feel numb all over, I felt weak, defeated, and confused. Everyone was running up to me and shaking me and seeing if I was alright. Grayson walks up and picks me up and carries me to my room. He sits me on the bed and closes the door and locks it. He comes up and sits next to me. I look down, fear and confusion running in my eyes. I suddenly feel two hands wrapping around me and pulling me closer. Grayson whisper in my ear, "I'm sorry. I'm so selfish. All I wanted was you, but I never realized that you miss your home too, especially when you've been away for so long. Forgive me?"

I look at him, his eyes shining with light. I nod and lie down. I had one too many things on my head right now. Who was that lady? What did she mean by throne and what prophecy was she taking about? I was so tired that I didn't notice Grayson lying down next to me and snoring. I look at him, his eyes were closed and his arm was wrapped around my waist. He felt tired and closed my eyes, my heart beat matching the rhythm of his heartbeat. 

"I love you, Boy Wonder." I say, as I kiss his nose softly and doze off.  

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