Chapter 2 New place,New face

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Robin POV

We scour the entire building to find nothing.

"Great, there's nothing there." Red says,kicking an empty can that as on yeh top floor.

"Maybe it's just a flux" Superboy says.

Suddenly,my phone started to buzz like crazy.

"Guys, I'm getting high reading of Tachyons."

"But there no machine,how is it possible?"

"I don't understand.The only way there can be tachyon particle is only if..." I bite back my words.

"What?!?" They all say in unison.

" ... If the alternate is trying to get here."

Suddenly,the wind started to pick up.I look up and see a small wormhole being created.

We all get ready to fight whatever was about to come out of the wormhole.

"I really don't want to fight whatever is coming out of that portal,man " Kid say, looking rather terrified.

Rather than seeing a scary and threatening, a girl comes popping out of the portal.She falls down from the sky high portal.

"Is that a girl?" Red asks,squinting.

"Is she conscious?" Kid asks.

Superboy jumps and catches the girl. He softly lands down, so that he doesn't hurt her. Her face was scratched up and blood was covering her arm.

"Is she alive?" Kaldur asks.

"I feel a pulse, but it's very faint."

I touch her forehead.

"She is very hot."

"Robin, now's not the time." Wally say.

"No dude! I mean she's burning up. She has a temperature" I scan her thermal temperature. "Dude!! No way"

"What is it?" Kid asks excitedly.

"She's giving off the chart heat signatures. According to my readings, she was burning up, hotter than the sun."

"MMM..." A voice goes off.

We all turn around to see the girl moaning in pain.

"Help..." she groans.

"We have to get her to Mt.Justice."Kaldur says.

"But we don't know if we can trust her" Red says.

"Red, she's in pain. I know what happened with the previous time travelers." He turns and looks at Wally, "But at least we have to get her on our side."

"Kid, you run the girl back to Mt.Justice and send in Canary. Robin, phone Batman.Artemis, Meggh'an go with Kid to Mt. Justice. The girls needs some company when she wakes up. Red and I will pick up any item that might have fallen as she entered here."

Everyone nods and starts to split off. I follow Kid to the headquarters, along with Artemis and Meggh'an.

Who was that girl???


Marcia POV

I felt like I was falling for a never-ending rabbit hole. My eyes were closed shut and I couldn't see anything.

Help was the only word I could think of.

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