No where in sight as though she was never there and doing so I felt myself becoming lighter then air as I let myself sink under water and the words chanted in my head over and over and over again. A clock was ticking as though a timer was going off and I could hear it and slowly I closed my eyes and let my body float for a second for what seemed forever. The darkness consumed me like I was in a blissful sleep.

I opened my eyes again to find I was on a cold floor a wooden floor and when I looked up I was in a hallway and the dim lights loomed shadows on the opposite wall that looked like the shadows could move as the lights flickered.
I walked up the hallway to find that I was outside my dads office and I heard voices from the inside and I wanted to walk in but suddenly I was in the room as though I went through the door like water.

" the water will tell you what you need to know, all you have to do is trust it."

A faint voice echoed.

"Nerina!" My father said.

The name brought my attention to the couple who was fighting.

"What?!, what you trying to say to me that I'm a replica of her and that's all I'll ever be to you!!"My mother screamed.

" YES. That all you'll ever be and I only got with you cause you looked like her and now I know what you are I wish I never had done." My father said. Venom dripped from the words

" I gave you a daughter, she is part of what I am and one day I hope she knows what a cruel, inconsiderate bastard you are. The power she holds is more powerful then you'" She said tears in her eyes.

A painful sting left a mark on her cheek as her body fell to ground from such force.

"She'll never know how to use it cause she's a girl and she's weak just like her mother." My father said.

" Ava is part of the fay-" she was cut off

As the dim light turned to darkness their voices became mumbles and their faces became blurred and it felt as though I was being lifted into the air and slowly rising to the surface. My body felt lifeless and my throat felt weakened as though there was pressure  and my lungs felt tight. I was drowning.. then it slowly took my last breath.

Cristian's P.O.V

I lifted her lifeless body from the bottom of the lake bed. Her face and lips was blue and I couldn't even hear her heart beating.

"Come on Ava, wake up." I said hopefully

"She's not breathing man." Damien said

"You think I don't fucking know that!" I answered

She didn't wake up and I laid her to rest on the dry land and started doing CPR.

What could I have done to possibly make her want to die?

"Damien, go get the pack doctor quick before I lose her. GO NOW." I said through mind link, my voice changed as my wolf pushed forward for control to save our mate.

She's run from me twice, argued with me and now she it seems she'll do anything to be rid of me.

The bond between us was thinning to where I almost felt there was nothing left between us both... her limp lifeless body was on the ground her mouth was partially open and her hair covered her face and her clothes were soaked

I felt a wetness on my cheek and I realised I was crying. Never before have I wanted something so much or mean so much to me when I saw her.

I pulled her body towards mine and I placed my head in the crook of her neck and breathed in and out. I heard movement over by the lake and I looked towards the water and I saw ripples being made and the colour of the water changed from oranges reds and blues and the water would elegantly dancing making swirls and jump out of the water as it was a fish and a steady beat played and then the beat intensified and once it was done a gust of wind blast through the trees and made them creek and groan.

I looked at my mate to see the colour in her face was wading as the water in her lungs took her last breath and I looked up again to find a middle aged woman stood over her body. She looked to have the same features as my mate from the eyes and facial features like the high cheek bones.

She slowly kneeled down and placed a hand on her chest and I couldn't move all I could do was watch. Her hand was still placed on her chest and a orange red light flowed through Ava's body down from her face all the way down to her toes and she took a breath. The woman turned my face to her with a grip on my chin.

"Have hope my king, she'll grow to love you" she said

Then her figure disappeared and I pulled Ava towards me again and kissed her neck, nose and cheeks and slowly caressed her arm.

Her eyes opened and looked at me.

Everything was how it should be or should have been..






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