Chapter 7

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Yes mum I totally agree.

"Can you blame me for the way I am though ? I mean it's the first time in what? 12 years of my life has someone has shown consideration for my well being or even said they loved me? Possibly gone out of their way to ask how I'm doing or if I'm okay even though I'm silently dying inside?!" I screamed at her

A tear from the corner of my eye fell and trickled down my face, as the silent tears fell the memories flooded back. I laid my head against the window and closed my eyes.

The sound of hollow wind and the pitter patter of raindrops that splashed against the window. A child humming a blissful tune to herself as she played with her dolls whilst her mother read a book and was sat in a chair near the fireplace. The fire flickered swishing and swirling as the wood that was burning below lit up and turned to ash.

The crash of thunder and the crack of lighting echoed within the room. The girl ran to her and jumped up on her lap burying herself within her mother for protection from the outside.

"Now, now Ava darling it's only a bit of lighting and thunder it can't harm you when we are in her." Her mother said

My eyes opened knowing who's voice it was and seeing her face and the same child that I saw before. My memory of the dolls hair I used to comb through and have cake and tea and the table whilst my mother watched over me and read sitting in the same spot she always did when she wanted to unwind.

Stepping out from the dark corner of the room I walked closer until I reached the fire place. The door on the left of me opened to reveal the man I now loathe.

"Daddy! you need to meet Judy cause shes a new friend that I made and she so nice and she loves cake like I do." The little girl giggled

Clasping her small hand into her dads and tugging him towards her dolls and showing which one Judy was and showing him how to comb her hair and which way her doll liked her hair combed.

Once her dad stopped playing with the little girl he went over to his mate in the chair and kissed her cheek with doing so taking the book out of her hands. She stood to try take it back but every time he'd lift it higher to the point where she couldn't reach.

"I love you baby." He said

" I love you too Alpha." She said with a grin.

"Say that again." He said his eyes turning black with lust.

Geez my mother sure knew how to get my dad going. Physically gips.

" I said I love you too alp-" she was cut off

The beta came in looking a slight on edge and from his face I knew something was wrong.

"Alpha, Luna sorry to disturb you both but rogues have been spotted close to the north of the pack borders and the look like they have bad intentions" he said frantically

"Gather the pack warriors and make sure all of them are there we are gonna need as many as possible if it's a big group of rogues I'll meet you outside in 5." The alpha said

With that being said the beta left to do gather the Warriors and protect the rest of the pack.

He turned back to his mate and cupped her face with a caressing touch and he looked down in her eyes and she looked in his.

"Listen Nerina, mind link the women  and make sure all the women and children get to safety as well as yourself and Ava because whatever happens to me or what goes on beyond those borders I can't risk loosing you both and I don't intend too either. Promise me you'll do as I say?"He said

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