Chapter Twelve

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"Okay so what are you in the mood to buy today?" Brook asks. I can see the excitement plastered all over her face; she doesn't even try to hide.

I laugh at her, "I'm not sure, I think I'm in need for some new shoes."

The excitement on her face grows even more; shoes are her kryptonite. She would do anything to buy a new pair of shoes and to buy me shoes is even worse. Her favorite moments are when I surrender to her shopping pressure and let her shop for me.

I start glancing at all the shoes. Brooke keeps pointing out different shoes but nothing seems to really stand out for me. Unlike Brooke, I'm not really an impulse buyer; I have to truly like something in order for me to buy it.

A few more minutes pass and I'm starting to get disappointed that I don't like anything. Sure there are some beautiful shoes here but nothing I would wear. I start to feel discouraged about the whole shopping trip until my eye lands on pair of shoes tucked in the back. It's almost like Danielle was hoping they wouldn't sell. I gently pick them up and examine them. They're simple, which is my style. They have a small heel, probably half an inch and have a nude color exterior. I can tell they've been worn before because of the imprint on the inside but when I put them on, they feel like I've been wearing them my whole life.

"Those were my sisters shoes," Danielle says to me from behind.

"I didn't know you had a sister," I say, admiring the shoe now on my foot.

"She passed away almost twenty years ago. Those were her favorite shoes," Danielle says. I can hear the sadness in her voice.

"Oh wow, I'm so sorry, I had no idea. I'll put these back," I say and gently put the shoes back where I found them.

"No, if you like them, please take them. I should have sold them many years ago; I just couldn't get myself to part with them. That's why they were hidden in the back but I would be happy if you were the one buying them. You are like family and I know Susanna would have wanted you to have them, " She smiles at me and puts the shoes in my hands.

"Thank you. I'll take good care of them," I say back to her.

She smiles at me but there is sadness in her eyes. I had no idea she had a sister, I guess she never talked about her because it was too hard. I can understand that.

"Oh before I forget. Tomorrow night I'm having a big dinner and would love if you ladies would join us. My nephew is coming into town and I'm cooking dinner for him and his father," Danielle says.

I look at Brooke not sure of what to do.

"Thank you for the invite but we wouldn't want to impose on your family dinner," Brooke politely says.

Danielle smiles, "It wouldn't be imposing at all. You girls are like family and I wouldn't have mentioned it if I didn't want your company. Plus, my nephew is your age and he will be going to college nearby so I think it would be good for him to meet some people his age."

"Well if you insist, we'll be there," Brooke answers and I can tell by the look on her face that the only reason she accepted was because of Danielle's nephew.

"Wonderful! I know my kids will be excited to you both. It's been so long since you both have been over, it'll be a nice treat." Danielle answered.

"It has been forever. I guess with school and everything we've just been really busy," Brooke says.

Brooke and I used to babysit Danielle's kids. Not as much during our senior year because we were both busy since it was our last year. I had plans to babysit almost everyday this summer to make some extra cash before I went off to school but things didn't exactly go according to my plan.

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