I turned around and saw the last person i wanted to see. I shoved the piece of paper into my back pocket swiftly before he could see it or question me about it.

"Nothing, there was a stench coming from your room so i had to come and pack up." I lied, clenching my fist and biting my lip down.

I was a coward, i couldn't bring myself to confront him about it.

"I called and texted you a couple of times but you didn't answer me. I got worried,"

Why would you be? Do you really care about me or is it some trick to make my heart melt?

"I saw your text about the date. What do you think we should have?" He put his bag down on his bed and sat down. "Come here," He patted the space next to him.

"I... have to go prepare since we are going out and all. And why don't you decide since it's your last paper... We should go celebrate or something." I made my way out and back to my room. "See you later at 7 then."


I dropped to the floor the moment my door slammed shut. Everything felt so unreal. I should have known all these were too good to be true. This ain't a Cinderella story, neither was I Cinderella.

I took the paper out from my pocket and read it repeatedly. I wish this note was a lie but at the bottom was Randall's signature.

I could recognise it because i saw it on a detention slip before. It had a unique R in it.

No doubt in my mind, that was definitely his signature. If he really did sign it, does it mean it is still ongoing? And all his gestures and love were just lies?

Unbelievable. What a fool i have been.

I dragged my body over to my bed and  got under the covers. This time, tears escaped the corner of my eyes slowly. They should have been tears of regret, regret that i have spend so much time and effort on him but instead, they were tears of genuine sadness.

Please, let it be a lie.

I really did love him and all the things i have done for him were out of love, from my heart.


I wiped my tears and placed my hand on my chest, breathing deeply due to my clogged nose. I kicked the covers off and sat up.

No, i should confront him. It might be just a prank.

I told myself as i got ready for perhaphs our final date. I slipped on a pair of jeggings and a simple black crop top. I looked at the note once more before shoving it into my back pocket.

"Hey, you're all dressed up tonight." Randall said the moment i stepped into the living room. My cheeks began to get redder. I immediately shook it off and took a seat next to him. He hooked his arm around my shoulder and snuggled his face at the nape of my neck. "You look really beautiful tonight."

"Don't you think we should be going by now?" I shifted away uncomfortablely, mainly because it felt so wrong but yet, i want more.

"We don't have to go out tonight, you know?" He pulled me closer again and kissed my neck, making me blush again.

"W-what about dinner?"

"I'll cook."

"But my mother will be home,"

I cannot give in to temptation.

"She said she's on a business trip remember?"

No. We can't do this. Stop. Stop.

"STOP!" I screamed, once again tears streaming down my cheeks uncontrollably. He let me go, surprised.

"Baby, I'm sorry if i rushed things and made you feel uncomfortable..." He reached for my hand but i pulled it away instantly. "Baby?"

"I'm not scared of you,"

I am scared that all this is going to be a lie.

"Say, tell me..." I fished the note out of my pocket. "What is this...?"

Please don't look surprised.

His eyes widened in utter shock.

No, so it is true.

"Where did you get that?" He snatched the paper from me and crumpled it. "Baby, look, i can explain."

"Is it true?"

Please. Tell me its not.

"Yes, but.." He got up and began approaching me but i backed away. Each time he took a step towards me, i took a step back.

"Why?" I cried, "Why must you play with me like that? Was everything we have done and been through just so that you could prove i loved you?"

I didn't want to hear what he had to say. It would just break my heart even more so i ran. I ran up to my room and locked my door behind me before Randall could get to me.

The moment i locked the door, my legs lost strength and i collapsed onto the floor, resting my back on the door. Randall started pounding on my door. The more he pounded, the more my heart broke.

"Please Connie. Hear me out, please."

Please go away. 

I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them tightly.

"Connie, please. Open the door. I won't leave until you open this door."

Go away.

"I will wait till you come out,"

The pounding stop, so did my tears. I must have cried so much today that there weren't any left in my system.

I'm such an idiot. Someone like me don't deserved to be loved. I was naive, easily influenced and a love-virgin. Of course to him i would an easy target and yet i actually fell for it.

Great job, Connie. Great job.

Well that kinda went downhill~

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