Supernatural Things

Start from the beginning

Liam sighed. "You're still reading about this stuff?" Mason stared at him like he was insane. "I was attacked by an armor-plated giant wearing a bear skull," he said, "It left an impression."

Aspen glanced at Liam cautiously. She remembered their continuous conversations with Mason about what he and Lydia had seen the night that Aspen and Liam were in Mexico, dealing with Berserkers of their own.

"Look, look," Mason said, pointing at the picture on his page, "Have you ever seen anything like this?"

Liam and Aspen shared a worried glance. "Never," they said automatically, walking into the History classroom.

"And then there's this whole section on the Nagual.." Mason said, flipping more pages, "Have you ever heard of the name Tez.. Tezcat-"

"Tezcatlipoca," Liam told him, shaking his head, "Nope, no, never heard of him." Aspen rolled her eyes playfully, catching Hayden's eye. Hayden looked away immediately, ignoring Aspen's friendly wave. She sat down beside her.

"What were you doing last night that was so important that you couldn't spend the last night of summer with your best friend?" Hayden immediately frowned. Aspen's mouth opened and she hesitated. She couldn't exactly say "Well you know, trying to help my boyfriend keep from going wolf and killing half of Beacon Hills, you know, the norm". So she was left without a choice-

"I had promised Liam dinner," she lied, "A-and a movie. I'm sorry."

Hayden pouted. "What happened to sisters before misters?" Aspen smiled sympathetically. "You know I love you Hayden, and I'm really really sorry." Hayden stopped chewing her gum. "Forgiven?"

Hayden narrowed her brown eyes at the blonde, smiling soon after. "Forgiven."

"Take your seats everyone," Mr. Yukimura announced as the bell rang. Aspen sat her books down on her desk, smiling at Mason who sat beside her, expecting Liam to sit down behind her.

Hayden's eyes met Liam's and he groaned. "Great," he mumbled, looking around for another seat. Hayden smiled sarcastically at him and Aspen couldn't help but roll her eyes again at him. Things hadn't changed between the two, despite Aspen's attempts to get them on friendly terms, and Hayden still hated Liam, Liam still hated Hayden.

"Liam," Mr. Yukimura said, "You're not just gonna stand there, are you?"


"The whole semester?"

Liam swallowed, raising his eyebrows. "Maybe." Mr. Yukimura said sternly, "Have a seat." He sighed in defeat and flopped down into the seat, too fast to notice that Hayden had slipped her gum in his chair.

Liam lifted himself up to see the sticky stuff stuck to his cargo pants and set his jaw angrily, glaring at the brown-haired girl. She smiled.

Aspen and Mason watched the whole interaction, grinning to themselves.

"Welcome to History 103."


"Like Lydia," Mason told Liam as he walked out of the boys' locker room with his lacrosse shorts replacing the gum-ruined ones. "She's knows things."

Everything Has Changed [LIAM DUNBAR] #2Where stories live. Discover now