A series of unfortunate events

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Cindy's friends are nice but her boyfriend seems dumb as fuck. Can't even talk properly. Oh well I can't expect anything more than stupid for Cindy. Her expectations are lower then sea level. But he is cute. Hmmm we'll see. Today's my first day at Woodcrest High and I'm a little nervous.


I haven't talked to Huey since yesterday when I told him I was ready for sex. He seemed shocked but I couldn't really tell. What if he becomes distant? What if he's grossed out at the thought of us doing it? What if he's grossed out by the thought of me naked?! What if he doesn't really love me enough to do that?! Oh no what have I done. Jazmine you're so stupid to think- (you gone have to do more then just {say it} you gone have to do less when you {do it} lil mama you know iiiiiii) my ringtone for Huey interrupted my mental rant.

A/N: Song is say it by Tory Lanez

I walk over to my dresser and answered it.

Me: ...Hello?
Huey: It's me...

(Jazmine immediately smiles with joy. And see what I did there y'all😝)

Me: I was wondering if after all theses years you'd like to meet..
Huey: To go over..
Me: everything.. Oh Huey I'm so happy you're not mad at me!
Huey: mad? Why would I be mad Jazmine?
Jazmine: I thought you were grossed out or something after what I said yesterday at the hill.
Huey: Jazmine I could never be grossed out by you. Especially not in that way. You're beautiful.
Jazmine: aww thanks Huey.
Huey: Of course. But I called to tell you I'll be over in 10 minuets to walk you to school so be ready.
Jazmine: okay see you in ten.
Huh.. I love Huey.


So I walk out my house and headed to my car so I can go pick up Tylar and go to school. Only to find that it's gone!!! Wtf??! I know I parked it right here. I look on the street and see broken glass. Shit shit shit SHIT!! Some one stole my fucking car! I got that BMW for my 16th birthday and just like that it's gone. Huh I gotta tell my parents. But now I gotta tell Tylar I can't pick her up.


Omg no no no no no no NO! I can't be out, not so soon I just got some! I can't wear my glasses today, I have to take my yearbook picture for most artistic today! I need my contacts! But the optometry doesn't open until 10 and I have to be at school in 30 minuets! Ahhhhhhhh! ....It's okay Hiro can take me by Walgreens to get some cheap ones. Oh here he is right now.

Phone convo:
Me: Hey baby after you pick me up can you take me by Wallgreens?
Hiro: uhhh.. sorry babe my car got stollen last night I can't take you anywhere.
Me: WHAT?! Omg that's terrible are you okay?! DID THEY HURT YOU?!
Hiro: I'm fine babe I wasn't in my car. I realized it this morning.
Me: oh good. Well I'm sorry baby that's awful.
Hiro: Yeah it is, well look I gotta go to the police station with my parents and shit so I'm not going to school today. But I got to go bye I love you.
Me: love you too.

What the hell am I gonna do now?!


I went outside to feed my pit bull Rocky only to find that he was still sleep. "Rocky breakfast", I say as I walk towards him. He still doesn't move, that's strange he's always awake at this time. "Rocky breakfast", I kneel down to him and pet him but he's ice cold. He has no pulse. "Rocky no", I say starting to cry. Rocky. He's dead. I can't go to school. ROCKY!


I woke up this morning all happy and shit only to find that my feet were swollen so bad that they looked like cantaloupes! Omg I can't go to school looking like this. I don't even have any shoes that could fit me right now. Being pregnant sucks, I can't wait till my 9 months are over.


So I get up and go to the bathroom but only to find that I got a big ass pimple on my face. No wait... THREE big ass pimples on my face. One on my forehead, the other on my cheek, and the last on right on the tip of my nose I look like fuckin Rudolph! I can't clear this in 40 minutes I gotta stay home.


C-murph called me and said something bout a big ass pimple on her face and how she wasn't goin tah school. Well if mah bitch ain't goin den I ain't goin I'm gonna ditch and hang out wit mah niggas Ed and Rummy. Yeah yeah.


So I arrive at school and NOBODY IS FUCKING THERE! Not Cindy, Riley, Caesar, Lyla, Tylar, or Hiro. The only people here that I know are Jazmine and Huey. WHAT THE HELL?! Well I guess I just have to make new friends. My thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw this fine  ass boy.

"Excuse me I couldn't help but notice that I've never seen you before. Are you new?", asked the boy. "Um yes my name is Jenny, I just transferred here from the UK", I say in my fake English accent. I mean it's not really fake. I was living  there so long I was bound to pick it up. " Oh well I'm Chase nice to meet you", said Chase. " Nice to meet you too", I said. "Well can I walk you to class, beautiful?", chase asked. "Why of course", I say closing my locker and walking with him to Spanish.

Omg i'm sorry it took me so long I was having writers block which explains the bull shitty  chapter.😖💩

But yeah errbody had problems today🚮

Till next time😋✌️

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