Big news

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"HELPPP! Da niggas is aftah meh! Dem coons is gone break in mah house n kill meh! Stay back niggas I got ah knife! Oh please call da 911! Help meh white Jesus please!", I yell as I lock all my doors and windows until one breaks open.

"White Jesus can't help you know", says Huey. "Ahhhhhh" it all goes dark.


I wrap my hands around the five finger punching ring I put on them. I then strike ruckus in the face. "Wake up bitch!", I yell. "Please don't hurt meh Niggas", he pleads.
Just then Huey kicked him in the face, " You hit her you bastard! She almost died because of your drunk white cracker loving ass!", he yelled. " I'm so sorry dis happened I wus jus afraid ah going tah jail", he says. "Nigga if you know what's good for ya you'll shut tha fuck up. Only reason yo dumb ass still breathing is cause Jazzy's alive n we ain't tryna go to jail. I got a girl at home that needs me and I can't leave her", I say. " alright alright", he says. " I'm gonna let you go uncle ruckus but don't you ever come near my house, my family, or Jazmine again. Got it?", says Huey. " yes", he says good. And with that he left leaving me to follow behind him. We jumped into  Huey's car and headed to his house.

"Thanks for doing this Caesar I know we both could've went to jail", Huey said. " oh no problem man you know I'd do anything for jazz she's like a sister to me", I say. " yeah I know I just wanted to say thank you", he said. " of course Huey", I say.

"Hey Caesar, why did you say you have a girl at home? Is Lyla living with you know?", asks Huey.

Oh shit. I can't tell him now he'll freak out and lecture me.

"Oh she's not living with me but if we stay together long she might eventually", I lie. He simply nods his head and turns on the radio. Whew that was close. I hope he doesn't know I was lying.


Of course I know Caesar was lying. I can tell when everyone lies. It's a gift. I just wanna know why.

We soon pull up to my house and I see everyone's car parked outside. So I park in the drive way. When we walk in everyone is sitting in the living room quietly. "What's going on?", I ask.

"Oh Huey I was so worried!", shouts Jazmine as she jumps up and hugs me. "Don't worry we didn't kill him he's fine", I say. "Good I don't know what we would've done if Caesar went to jail", said Lyla. " what do you mean we?", asks Tylar. "I have an announcement to make", sad Lyla. Everyone looked at her ready to hear what she has to say. " I'm pregnant, me and Caesar are gonna have a baby", she says smiling.

What the fuck.

Omg lylas pregnant😱😬

Huey and Caesar are safe from jail as you requested😂

Sorry for the short chapter you guys😁😭

Okay till next time😋✌️

Endless love: A BOONDOCKS FAN-FICTION STORYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon