Lupin knelled down as well. He put his hand on her other shoulder. He didn't say anything, but he knew she was going through torture. He just prayed she could keep her anger at bay. He didn't want her to lose control of her powers. That would be the most terrible thing that could ever happen.

"What's happening to him?" Severus asked, pivoting to face Dumbledore.

"I'm not sure," Dumbledore answered. "But Voldemort's reign of terror is over. Harry made sure of that. Ron and Hermione destroyed the diary. This is the result."

Voldemort was still flashing in and out. Suddenly, he felt unimaginable pain and something left him. It was like a ghost almost, transparent. There was a loud wail, so potent that it hurt the ears of everyone in the room. It was unlike anything any of them had ever seen or heard.

"Cover your ears!" Sirius screamed.

The wail continued to get louder and louder. Downstairs, Ron, Hermione, and Draco had no idea what was going on. They had their ears covered, but the windows had started to shake. They all dove for the floor just before the windows shattered. It wasn't just that one either. It was every window in the place. Hermione cried out, but Ron and Draco were both lying there on the floor beside of her, each with an arm over her back. They glanced at each other strangely. Protecting Hermione? That was new territory for both of them. They heard the glass bust all over the house. And then suddenly, just like it had come, the noise ceased.

Ron got up and grabbed the diary, gunk and all, after he removed the sword. He gave the sword to Hermione for safekeeping. Draco had no idea what was going on, but that was the most frightened he had ever been in his life.

Upstairs, the adults were in awe. The wail had led to Voldemort literally pulling apart. But it was just the ghost of him. His body was already dead.

"Anybody going to check him?" Sirius asked meekly.

Alaina was so freaked out by what she'd seen that she definitely wasn't going to volunteer to do it. She was shaking, inside and out. What she had just witnessed, didn't seem humanly possible. It was so strange. Severus bent down and hugged her. He gently took Harry from her arms and laid him on the floor.

"There's nothing you can do for him now, love," he told her. "I'm sorry." Tears formed in his eyes. "I'm going to miss him."

"Me too," Alaina said weakly.

Dumbledore seemed to be the only one willing to go near the body of Voldemort, so he checked to make sure he was dead. Everyone held their breath, until he glanced up at them. He nodded his head and they knew it was true. They felt like celebrating then. The fact that Harry was dead was the only thing that saddened them. He was gone forever. At least, that's what they thought...

~ * ~

Harry opened his eyes. Wherever he was at, it was bright white. No other colors existed. He sat up. He couldn't see anything. It was like there was a thick fog all around him, like he had fallen into some creepy old Muggle movie or something.

"Where am I?" he said.

He felt naked, like there was something missing. Instinctively, his hands went to his face. His glasses were gone, but he could see perfectly. That was strange, and that wasn't the only thing. He also felt as light as a feather, like he could float in the sky with the clouds. Then it dawned on him. There was only one reason he would be feeling so light and that his sight would finally be corrected. He was dead. A deep sadness surged through him, not for selfish reasons, but thinking of what Severus and Alaina and all of his friends were feeling at that moment. By now, they must all know. Even Draco was probably sad.

"You're in limbo, Harry."

Harry's eyes stretched. He had thought he was alone, but he heard the voice, as clear as a bell, behind him. It was the voice of a female, a voice he vaguely remembered, but it was familiar just the same. He gulped and slowly pivoted. He let out a small gasp when he saw her. She was beautiful. Her hair was long and fiery red. She looked familiar to him, just her outline. That was all he could see. The dense fog was covering her face, but when she took a step toward him, he could see her perfectly. He gasped.


Ginny smiled at him. "I've been waiting for you."

Harry stared at her, not sure what to say. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out of it. He closed it again.

"I knew you would be here eventually."

A realization came over him. It all came flooding back in flashes, the killing curse, his mother, him jumping in front of it to save her. He remembered it all.

"I'm dead," he stated. He gazed up at her, his eyes glossy with emotion. "Aren't I?"

Ginny stared at him. "For now." She reached her hand out to him. "Come here. I have something I want to show you."

Harry gave her his hand. It was strange when she touched him. It sent shivers through him. He let Ginny lead him through the fog. When they finally stopped, they were standing at some sort of gate. Through it, he could see his mother and Severus, Ron and Hermione, Draco, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, and Dumbledore. They were all there, gathered around him.

"They miss you."

"I miss them too."

She smiled. "It was brave, what you did. You've always been a hero, Harry, but you have to go now."

He frowned at her. "I don't understand."

"You're not meant to stay here, Harry," Ginny told him. "You have an option. You can go back, be with your family."

He smiled. That was what he wanted, more than anything. Suddenly, a thought hit him. "Wait. What about you?"

"Don't worry about me, Harry. I'm going to be fine right where I am."

"I miss you, Ginny."

"I miss you too."

Harry sighed. There were so many things he wanted to say to her. "I wanted to save you. I'm sorry I was too late."

Ginny slid her hand down the side of his face. "It was my destiny, Harry. You couldn't save me because it wasn't meant to be. I don't blame you. I know you tried your best. I know it killed you because you didn't get there in time."

Tears came to his eyes. "I killed you."

"NO." Her voice was firm. "You didn't. Voldemort did. Now, because of you, he's dead."

Harry's eyes widened. He hadn't known that. "Really?"

Ginny nodded. "The world will be a better place when you go back to it."

"I don't know that I should. I don't want to leave you."

She smiled. "I'm flattered, Harry. Really. I waited for two years to hear you say that, but look at your family, your friends. They need you back. I'll always be there. Don't worry about that. I will never leave you."

Tears rolled down his cheeks. Ginny wiped them gently away. "No tears here, Harry." She let go of him. "I've always loved you."

He smiled. "I realized it too late, but I loved you too, Ginny. You were the first girl to notice me. You made me feel special."

"You are special, Harry. Never forget me."

"I won't."

Harry felt himself being pulled away from her. He didn't want to let go of her hand. It was nice to see her and even more amazing to talk to her, but he was leaving. It was strange. He hadn't stepped toward the gate, but something was pulling him back. Ginny was fading farther and farther into the distance and he called out to her, but she didn't move. Tears streamed down his face.


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