Chapter Four

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The Next Morning (Kian's p.o.v):

I woke up the next day and rushed down to the hospital with Jc. The doctor said Ricky was still in a coma which made me sad, but he did say that Ricky was going to be fine. I sat down in the chairs outside of Ricky's room with Jc and waited for the doctor to give the okay that we could see him. After a half an hour the doctor came and said it was alright that we could see him, I got up from my chair and looked at Jc, he smiled then nodded. I took a breath before I walked in. I gripped the handle and the door slowly went open. I looked around the room and slowly walked in, I closed the door behind me and walked over to Ricky's bed. I sat down next to him and just stared at him. He had iv's in his arms followed by the paleness of his skin. I grabbed his hand and slowly began to speak.

"Ricky i'm so sorry, I know you can't hear me but I am truly sorry. I know this is my fault, that your in here. If I would have talked to you about you having feelings this wouldn't have happened. Honestly I was a little suprised when you said that to me, I didn't know what to say so it just caused me to ignore it. I am truly sorry." I explained. I felt a tear come down my cheek and I also felt the squeezing of my hand, if only he could talk back to me. I said all that I could have possibly said to him. I let go of his hand and got up from the chair. I walked out of the room and let Jc go in and see him. I honestly didn't want to stay here anymore, like Jc said, its making me depressed. I walked down the halls and then began to run, I ran and ran. I had no idea where I was going. But it was somewhere. Somewhere other than here.

Maddie's p.o.v: (ooo plot twist, lol i kid.)

"Okay Madeline Clark, you are free to go." The nurse said to me. I got out of my bed and headed to the door. My whole body ached, but I still couldn't let go of what I did. Ricky deserved what he got to him and I didn't feel guilty nor sad for him or me. I laughed to myself then walked out of the room. I pulled out my phone and texted Kian.

To : Kiki <3

-hey babe, wanna hang out later? I got into this accident at school so I just got out of the hospital and I need some Kiki time.-

He texted back instantly.

From : Kiki <3

-oh that's terrible, i hope your okay. but im not really feeling it today. Ricky's in the hospital and im just too worried about him. im sorry, maybe some other day. promise-

That made me angry! I tried to get rid of Ricky and all it did was make him come into Kian's life more! God Acacia has terrible fucking plans.

To : Kiki <3

-so you would rather be in a hospital waiting for Ricky to become better than hang out with your own girlfriend?!-

-I told you I was sorry! Ricky is like my brother and family comes first.-

-whatever Kian. We are done. erase my number and don't bother calling me again.-

And with that I erased his number and continued on with my day. If he didn't want to be with me and he would rather wait for Ricky then he can! He's not my problem anymore. He's Ricky's.

Several Hours Later (Jc's p.o.v):

I walked around the halls in the hospital looking at every detail in the walls. I couldn't wait any longer, I became restless. The doctor took Ricky into surgery 2 hours ago and I haven't heard anything back. I'm starting to get worried. I hope he's okay. I decided to sit down in one of the chairs, I pulled out my phone and put my headphones in, The Fray started playing. I set my head back and soon I fell asleep. I was soon woken up by one of the nurses.

"Excuse me sir." A lady said shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes. "Are you Mr.Caylen?" The lady asked, I nodded my head and sat up. "Ricky is doing fine, I just thought you would like to know. I seen you have been waiting here for a long time, maybe you should go home and get some rest." The lady suggested. I nodded my head and got up from the chair.
"Thank you for telling me about Ricky, not many people like to tell you how people are doing even if you wait." I told her. She nodded and did a faint smile.
"Have a goodnight Mr.Caylen." The lady said. She smiled and walked away. I smiled then headed towards the door. I looked back into the hospital hallway then turned and walked out. I got into my car and started it up. I got a text from Kian once I pulled out my phone.

From: Kian 😒😂
-hey, how is he?-
To : Kian 😒😂
-yes he's fine, he went through surgery and one of the nurses said he's fine. no need to worry. i'll be home shortly. have you heard from maddie?-
-yeah, we kinda broke up today. but i'm not worried about it. now that you said he's fine, i can sleep. now goodnight.-
-okay well goodnight then. haha. i'll be home soon. bye-
-lol bye.-

I locked my phone and headed home to get some sleep. I decided that tomorrow if Ricky was awake we would go visit him, but I might take Kian out somewhere to get his mind off of Ricky and the breakup with Maddie. He needs a getaway.

HEYY!!! its mee yuss. anyways this chapter kinda sucked by oh well. christmas break started today yay! and tomorrow i'm going to the movies with some friends and i might get to see my bae yus. anyways goodnight loves! p.s. i love you all very much❤️

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