Ch.15: True Power

Start from the beginning

My movements have slowed and my strength was being sapped. "Heh...well if this is your strongest then I'm going to destroy you." He said as he crawled out of the hole that was made in the side of a building. That's when I started to think something weird, a part of me hoped Sasuke would come and save me. Dodging a needle I crouched behind a car, this fight started in the park but now it's worked it's way in town. "Let's end this already. I'm getting tired of playing." He said.

Grabbing the bumper of the car I groaned and lifted it. Flinging it at him I was hoping that it would smash him but doing a nice little back flip he watched as the car smashed into the pavement in front of him. "Nice try little girl." He said. Wincing I grabbed my side, it was now bleeding. Damn he was fast with those needles, I hated that Damn smile of his. "Watch out mommy!" Toshida yelled. He sighed then ran at her, alarms blared in my head. He was closing in and no matter how fast I ran he was way to fast. "I Ino Yamanaka allow Sakura Haruno to use my powers." I immediately grew faster but it wasn't enough.

I was able to get in between Toshida and him. His needle pierced right into my leg but thankfully he was close enough to hit. I swung but still he blocked my strike. Twisting the needle in my leg I groaned. From behind me I felt a growing surge of power. "Stop. Hurting. My. Mommy!" Toshida yelled. He was blown backwards by a wave of darkness. I pulled the needle out of my leg. Toshida hugged me from behind, my strength started to return and the wound to my leg was healed. Ino came running over to our side, "Sorry I'm late, I saw the seal being activated so I rushed over." She helped me stand.
"Thanks you helped me save Toshida." At the sound of her name the darkness that swirled around her blew away. She tackle hugged me, "I'm sorry..." She cried. Ino gave me a look, 'I'll explain later.' I mouthed to her.

"So that's the power of the shadowed heart? Interesting." He said. Turning he started to run away, "No. Ino can you catch him!?" I yelled.
"On it!" She rushed toward him with incredible speed. Appearing in front of him she kicked him in the stomach. Taking advantage of her distraction I put all the power I could into a single punch. I hit him right in the back, smashing him into the pavement. The seal around us shattered, dropping to one knee I sighed. "You ok?" Ino asked. Nodding I stood, "We have to get back. Sasuke may be in trouble." I said running toward his house. I hoped he was ok.

Sasuke pov

"Heh...ok maybe your stronger then I thought." I said while wiping my bloody hands on my pants. "Keep laughing boy, once I'm finished with you...well let's just say you won't be able to laugh." He ran at me full force, swinging the sword I wouldn't be able to block this one. So I went ahead and pulled a Matrix move. Leaning backwards the sword whooshed right above me, backflipping I landed on my feet. I hit him right in the stomach and followed it up with a flurry of punches most of which missed. "Ha, your not half bad for a demon who wasn't even wanted by his own parents." That ticked me off obviously, "Gahh!" He swung his sword as I swung my fist. Jumping back the sword raked across my chest leaving a burning angry red line behind. I was about to charge at him again when something strange happened.

Everything around me was completely different. Instead of my house and green yard there was now large jagged mountains and pools of lava decorating the landscape. All types of creatures were standing around as if waiting for something to happen. "Can he handle this?" a voice asked from behind me. "He'll have to. He may be the half-breed but he's our chance." The ground erupted. Fire burst in a spiral up in the air. "He's here...." Voices whispered in the dark. Out of the fire stepped a man, his long jagged coal black hair swayed slowly, he wore old red armor. His crimson eyes glowed and radiated power. "It's him....the legendary Uchiha." the whispers started again. He looked around then found me, a smile slid across his face. "Bow to me Half-breed. You've become quit the talk around here...but I for one don't care." His voice echoed as tho he stood around me. "This is your only chance to bow to me. If not then parish." My body wouldn't move, I couldn't answer him, I couldn't say anything. I managed to mutter one word. "Who?" He laughed, then before I could blink he stood in front of me. "I am Maddara Uchiha."

He stepped aside. Zabuza growled then brought down his sword, I had to make myself move. Move! Move Sasuke, Damn it move!! I yelled over and over again. His sword smashed the ground right where I was just standing, a pool of blood sat in my place. I leaned up against a tree, a knife in my hand dripped blood. I stabbed my leg so that I would move...the pain dulled my sense of fear. "Hmm...stay still will you. Your making this difficult." Zabuza said. Taking a deep breath I forced myself to stand up straight, smiling I raised my still bleeding palm to my mouth. "Sorry but I have to finish this now." I said before tasting my blood.

No you don't!!" He rushed at me. Swinging his sword the blood kicked in. Holding out my palm I blocked the giant blade without a problem. He seemed surprised, "Ho...How?"
I let the power take over, jerking the sword out of his hand I spun it around grabbed the hilt, raised it then swung. He screamed in agony, his right arm fell to the ground. "You...You bastard." Pointing his sword at him I smirked. I hated becoming like this, I became so cocky and arrogant.

"Daddy?" Their voices caught my attention. Looking over I saw a beat up Sakura and Toshida, Ino stood at her side. They each looked worried, "Die!" Turning I caught the full force of his punch right in the face. There was so much force behind it that I hit the tree hard, he growled and came at me again. This time I shoved the sword straight threw him. Off to my right I saw that annoying hunter standing at the edge of the forest. Zabuza dropped with a thump at my feet, "Pitiful." I muttered. Turning I was about to go after the hunter when I was hugged from behind. "Don't go daddy. Stay here with mommy." Toshida cried. I faced her, tears were developing in the corners of her eyes. The blood lust evaporated, "I hope you didn't get hurt." I said. Shaking her head she smiled, "Mommy got hurt but I healed her." I glanced over at Sakura who watched me, she did look beat up. "Sakura I..." My breath caught in my throat. "I'm glad your ok." Sakura said as she embraced me. Caught completely off guard I blame my weakened state for what happened next. Hugging her back I said, "I'm sorry you got hurt. Next time I'll protect you." I felt her laugh, "Good. I'll protect you to." Toshida hugged us both and it felt like we were a real family...things changed after that. For better or worse, I'll let you decide.

To be continued....

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