Chap 4: Transformations and purposes pt.2

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Sakura pov

I was biting my lip so hard that I was beginning to taste my own blood. I now stood,nervously in front of the whole class. "Alright Sakura Haruno show us your transformation. If I'm correct you have yet to find a partner so maybe this will help." Professor Anko said in a moderately nice tone. Nodding I took another deeper breath then steeled my thoughts. A cloud of pink cotton candy smoke covered me and I started to shrink and change.

Once the smoke cleared everyone stared at me with surprise evident on their faces which embarrassed me, luckily in this form no one could tell if I were blushing. Anko picked me up and lightly scratched behind my ears. "This right here is a perfect example of a great transformation. Now who can tell me what the perks of Sakura's cat form are?" I purred and watched as Sasuke's hand once again went up. "Well Mr.Uchiha you again. Ok tell us what you think."

"Well seeing how cats are everywhere and..." He stood and walked over to where Anko was standing. Holding open his arms Anko handed me to Sasuke. I was trying not to freak out or move to much. He handled me easily and petted me slowly and softly. "Her pink fur and bright green eyes are unique which is better. She'd be a great partner." That's when I felt it, a spark between me and him and I know he felt it to by the way he stiffened. He sat me lightly back onto the floor then walked back to his seat, before sitting back down he said, "Very useful for reconosence missions."

I transformed back then walked back to my seat, the entire time I could feel his gaze on me. The rest of the class went by slowly, Anko went on showing us how our classmates could change. Then finally she got into the mission topics. "For those of you that have a partner and or familiar will soon have missions to attend to, from the normal deliveries to people in the communities to finding and capturing criminals and wrong doers. Your responsibility for you and your partner is to capture high ranking demons or any stray monsters of all sorts." A chill arched down my back but then sadness sank in as I remembered that I was partnerless.

Sasuke pov

"As of today you all will have a practice mission to complete right after school. Once the mission is complete you and your partner will receive a notice letting the school know that you succeeded." I stifled a yawn as I listened intently to our teacher, not that this whole mission thing interested me anyway. "Ok. For those who already have a partner may leave class now. Ill hand out your mission on your way out. Any of you without a partner stay behind, today is your lucky day because you get your partner."

Most of the class stood and got their missions, most had probably been together for awhile. Only six were left behind, Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, a red headed guy and some dude in a dark green track suit along with me. Anko looked out at us as tho she was planning on throwing darts to decide who she paired up instead of just making the teams up. "Uzumaki and Hyuga. Both of you are from here on out a duo. Your mission is to deliver some baby clothes to Doctor Kurinai." Naruto and the bird girl stood. Before walking out he turned and gave me a big smile in which I just looked away and smirked. 'Baka.'

"Garra and Lee. You two are now a team. Your practice mission is to collect the rent for Mr.Hozuka." She said. The red headed boy didn't show any emotions at all while the other kept jumping around yelling about 'Youth this and youth that!', "Finally. Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha." Her gaze went from the pink cat girl to me. I wondered what she was thinking, not to mention how well her blood may quench my thirst. My nails sank into my forearm causing me to snap out of the blood lusted thought. "Your first mission will be...." She paused, her eyes scanned the paper she held in front of her. "To capture the small time Demon assassin. You'll get no help so I suggest you both work together. Now get outta my room maggots!" She commanded.

A slight breeze caused Sakura to shift from one foot to the other or she was just nervous being around me, I have that effect on people and letting her know a little speck of my past probably didn't help. "Hey! Mind if we get a ride with you guys to our destination?" Naruto asked. The girl he'd been paired with stayed silent. "Sure hop on in. I'll drop you both off then Sakura and I will continue on with our mission." Sakura opened her mouth to object but then nodded. We drove threw town until Naruto yelled for us to stop right outside some little house sitting on the edge of the woods. "Please swing back around and pick us up later." He called as they walked away.

I for one loved silence but I could tell it was bothering my pink haired feline partner. "So Sakura, any special powers or anything I should be aware of?" Her emerald eyes gazed out the windshield, "No. Only thing I can do is turn into a cat. Nothing very incredible sorry." She muttered.

"You sure this is the place?" She asked. I had followed Anko's instructions to the dot and yet we stood in the middle of a busy intersection. "This is where she sent us. Why would some wanna be assassin be out here?" I scoffed. "Wanna be assassin huh?" said a guy who stood beside me, he wore a hood so that his face was covered. "Seems that stupid school sent a few new recruits after me again. Hmph not the first pair id taken out." He said then he stepped closer, out of the corner of my eye I could see Sakura stiffen. "So tell me, kids. Who are you two and why come to such an early grave?"

"The names Sasuke Uch..." I jumped sideways narrowly dodging the hidden blade he swung at me. "Sorry didn't catch that. I find that names to me won't matter. You'll die before I even begin to care." From under the hood I could see his grin. He made a move but instead of coming at us again he turned and ran down the road, I started after him but out of the crowd stepped five cloaked and armed wanna be guards. "Seems as tho our friend isn't entirely stupid. Go ahead and go after him Sakura, I'll handle these idiots and catch up." My pink haired partner wasted no time complaining, her eyes locked with my own the she charged at the nearest guard, he raised his knife but failed to see me coming right at him. I hit him with so much force that my hand sank into his chest with a bloody crack, his body flew back into the pavement leaving a skid mark of blood behind. Sakura ran through safely. I smiled and turned to the remaining four. "If you wish to run. Now would be the time."

To be continued...

(A/N: So yeah that happened. Hope you all enjoyed the new chapter. Please vote, comment and follow. Again thank you all for reading.")

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