It was kind of odd, how little he seemed to know about this employee of his. He was letting the guy run his club, but had only met him twice. It all seemed a little off to her. But hey, what did she know? Clubbing wasn't exactly her thing, so she knew less than nothing about the inter-workings of a club hierarchy.

Kat began to explore the rooms, looking for anything that could distract her until Sebastian's men found Laura. It was against everything in her to stay up here and do nothing. She would give Sebastian fifteen minutes, and then she was out of here.

Fully conscious of Sebastian's eyes on her, she walked from room to room. There were the basic necessities, but a lot of the usual things were missing. No TV, no computer, or anything like that. There was a kitchen, but it was pretty much empty. There was very little decoration, leaving everything pretty basic and bare. There were a few black and white photos on one table, but they were faded and obviously decades old. She found a few CDs on one table, but nothing she recognised as recent. Long before her time, and probably her parents time as well. If she had just been shown the apartment, she would have assumed it belonged to an elderly man, not a sexy twenty something who lived above a casino and club.

She was about to enter what she assumed was the bedroom when Sebastian spoke from behind her. "Are you looking for something specific, or just snooping?" he asked, though his tone was teasing. "Option two." she answered honestly. She had always been nosy. He chuckled. "Well, you're welcome to snoop anywhere-" she turned to enter the bedroom, only to have the door closed promptly in her face. "Anywhere but there." Sebastian corrected. She glared, and he gave her an apologetic smile.

She sighed loudly and obnoxiously, before turning and walking back into the main room. "Where's your TV?" she asked. "I don't have one," he answered. She gave him a funny look, but he just raised an eyebrow. She shrugged. "What am I supposed to do until they find her?" she pouted. "Sit quietly?" he suggested. She sent him her very best death glare, which he seemed to find amusing, as he immediately began to laugh. She was rather offended. Her glares were meant to induce fear, not hysterical laughter.

Sebastian had sunk into the chair closest to him, still laughing loudly. "Stop it!" she said angrily. When he didn't seem to hear her, she marched angrily over to his chair. When he still continued to laugh, she slapped his arm. This renewed the laughter, to the point were he was almost in tears. "You are such a jerk!"she said, turning to storm off, when she was suddenly pulled off her feet. Sebastian had pulled her into his lap, where she now sat, her face inches from his.

His laughing stopped abruptly. His attention seemed to now be focused solely on her lips. She was having a hard time keeping her gaze off of his lips as well. He began to lean in. She felt her eyes flutter, her head tilt.

But wait! This was insane! As of an hour ago, she had never even heard the name Sebastian Samuels. And now she was about to make out with him. That was so not her style. So she did the only thing she could think of. She ran.

She leaped up, dashing to the door. "Kat, wait!" she heard him call after her, but she was already out the door and half way down the stairs. She swerved around the guard, who was too startled to stop her, and made a bee line for the club.

She knew Sebastian would have lost her in the crowd. She worked her way into the dancing crowd, hoping to lose her self the the twirling mass of bodies. And then a hand clamped down on her wrist. She spun to meet the eyes of who ever had her, fearing the worst. Only to find a pair of familiar green eyes.

"Laura!" she cried jubilantly, throwing her arms around her sister's slim frame. "Where have you been! Dude, I've been looking everywhere!" Kat shouted, trying to be heard over the music. "Well, these women dragged me to the spa for a free treatment, and I was there for ages! As soon as I got out, I came looking for you, but I got...distracted." she said vaguely. Something about the way she said distracted seemed suspicious to Kat. "What do you mean, distracted?" Kat questioned. "Did Neil drag you of somewhere for a secret rendezvous, or something equally disgusting?" she asked, her dislike for Neil displayed proudly.

Laura blushed, shaking her head quickly. "No! Speaking of Neil, have you seen him?" Laura asked. "Nope. Nor have I seen a single one of those trashy bridesmaids. Probably dragged some poor sap into a closet so they can suck out his soul or something." she snarled. Laura hit her arm lightly. "Be nice Kat. They are Neil's friends." she defended.

Kat didn't get it. Those hags had been nothing but terrible to Laura since they met her! "Of course they're friends with Neil. He's slept with everyone of them!" Kat shouted angrily. The hurt and shock that showed on Laura's face only made her angrier. How could Neil treat Laura like that? Laura was an angel. How could he not realize that. "I'm sorry Laur. I should have told you sooner, but I hoped you would come to your senses on your own." she said softly. Laura nodded uncertainly.

"Okay, lets just get out of here. Lets go back to our rooms, and we can talk." Kat said. Laura agreed, walking towards the door. They made it all the way through the club, and through the casino. Laura headed out the door, and Kat made to follow. She was about to open the door, when a hand slammed into it, just above her head. She was trapped. "Not so fast, kitten" a familiar voice said. Sebastian had found her.

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