Chapter Eight

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Kat's plan had back fired majorly. She had managed to get herself trapped in the one place in which she was positive Laura had never even been to. She still had no idea where her sister might be, and she was no longer free to search. All because of this Sebastian guy, who was now practically holding her hostage.

She was fairly certain he was the head honcho of this establishment, which meant that if anyone could help her, it was him (excluding Tom Cruise, Taylor Lautner, or any Marvel super heroes.) Especially if he had anymore guards like the one downstairs.

Then again, he could probably take care of himself, if his size was any hint. He was huge. She barely came to his shoulders, which were incredibly wide, his arms muscular and defined. His hair was a golden brown mess on his head, and his eyes were a blue so deep and dark that they were nearly black. He was all strong features, and in his expensive looking suit, he cut an impressive figure. It was disconcerting. Kat decided she would prefer him a bit smaller, a bit weaker. It was easy to intimidate Neil, who she could easily look in the eye, or, in heels, look down on. She had no such advantage with Sebastian Samuels. She would have to beat him through sheer force of will.

Sh also had not appreciated the way he had grabbed her arm earlier. Or the way her body had reacted to his lips against the back of her hand. Kat had never been one to shy away from physical contact, but something about that kiss had nearly caused her to swoon. And she was most certainly not a swooner.

Still...he had offered to help her find Laura. And she had, some what reluctantly, agreed. How he planned on locating a small blond in the seething mass outside was still a mystery to her.

At the moment, he was watching her intently, studying her just as openly as she studied him. "Soooo, whats the plan? Do you have an army of large men in dark sunglasses posted all around the place, at your beck and call?" she asked sarcastically. His mouth turned up slightly at one end, giving her the unsettling feeling that she wasn'tso very far off in that statement.

"Not quite." he said quietly. He pulled a sleek black phone from his pocket, pressed a button, and held it to his ear. He then put a hand over the mouth piece, and looked back at her. "They don't usually wear the sunglasses." he said, grinning, before turning away to talk.

Her laughter rang out. For a possible mafia boss and/or drug dealer, he was funny. And he had yet to make her feel threatened, or as if she were in any type of danger. It was very odd.

Kat made an attempt to wait patiently for the end of his conversation. It was a failed attempt, though a valiant one. She had never been one to sit still or be quiet. So she approached the book shelf, still in awe. If there was one thing that could have tipped the scales in Sebastian's favor, it was his extensive collection of books. There were literally hundreds, here in this library above a casino.

It was obvious Sebastian was a bit obsessive compulsive. The books were all lined by first author, than size, than color, and possibly a few other systems that weren't immediately noticeable. Much different than Kat's own room, where books were stacked randomly on every flat surface.She ran a finger along the spines, noting familiar titles. She wished she could spend a few days in here, if only so she could read every title.

She was distracted from these thoughts by the sound of Sebastian snapping his phone closed. "I've got a few guys out looking for her. As soon as they find her, she'll be brought straight up here." he said, coming to stand next to her. She felt a rush of relief, and then she realized something. "And how exactly will they know who to look for? I didn't even tell you what she looked like, what her name was. They'll have no way of knowing who to look for." she said, confused and irritated.

"Well, it seems you aren't the only one looking for her." he said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Kat demanded, immediately defensive. "The guy who manages the club, Lucas, told some of the guys to watch out for her. They took her to the spa, but then lost track of her." he explained. "Why would the club manager be worried about Laura? Do you know him?" she continued to fire out questions. "I met him once or twice. He seemed nice enough. Don't worry, I'm sure everything is fine." he said soothingly. She rolled her eyes. She wasn't four, he didn't need to try to keep her calm, and she didn't appreciate the attempt. Clearly he didn't know her very well, but if she was going to spend any more time with him, he had better learn. Fast.

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