Sick but Dreaming

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Disclaimer: most of these chapters were written during and before the show even started. A lot of this book is based purely in season 1 and the very beginning of season 2 once the episodes started coming out. I go on in the middle about how Adrien got his ring and that his mother comes back. That is not in the original show and it is out of the story entirely. Also, if anyone says anything about Adrien's mother being dead, I will internet swat you on the head. She's in that comatose state. So yeah... Nooroo's name in this story is Pappi, short for Papillon (French for butterfly), because I didn't know Nooroo's name at the time. I hope you can forgive that name change (because it sounds kinda like you're calling Nooroo your dad or whatever you use papi for o-o). Please enjoy the story, even though it's severely outdated! Au revoir!

I was waking up (in my dream) and I felt rather intimidated. My surroundings were the same as usual. I yawn and walk over to the little pod device that allows me to call my caretaker, Natalie.

"Yes Adrien? Seems you have awaken? It's Thursday so I'm coming over with your plan for today" she says in the speaker. "Uh actually can you put those plans to aside? I need to meet up with a friend and talk about something" I say, shaking my leg to get it awake. "As you wish Adrien. Make sure you come for breakfast since its eight thirty" she says and I click off the device.

This part was hazy but I remember getting into the shower, putting on clothes, running downstairs with my bag and sitting at the table, eating my eggs and bacon.

But that was the least intresting part about my dream. I had went to school with a feeling in my gut something was off. Maybe it was my cat senses kicking in, but I could have sworn that I have heard whispers. I could even make them out which I usually can't.

"Adrikins!!" Chloe jumps outta nowhere, hugging me and kissing my cheek. Honestly, she's a big pest, but I put up with her. "Hi... I need to get to class so..." I cut off, seeing Marinette standing five feet in front of me. She blinks as Chloe frowns. "Dont mind her, we will walk together!" I could hear Chloe speak. "Uh actually I wanted to walk with Nino and Marinette" I say, making Marinette's face gleam and Chloe's face stare at me with frustration.

"A-Adrien I wanted to g-give you a g-gift of uh..I uh..." Marinette stutters, holding a paper folder out towards me. "This? Oh uh thanks" I say, scratching my head.

Fast forward a couple hours. This is the intresting part. Stick in for it. "We need to come up with a theme song my lady" I say, walking with Ladybug up on a rooftop. "Well what good will that do? We don't need to even introduce ourselves if already all of Paris knows who we are!" She protests.

We start singing random songs and laughing at the ones we thought were too silly to even become a theme song. "Well that was pretty stupid. Sorry for making us think. Still wanting to go patrol?" I ask her.

"Uh actually, I need to go. I am about to transform back" she says, looking away. "Ok well goodnight my Lady~" I say and take her hand and kiss it.
"Bye kitty kitty" she says and I can't help but let out a slight purr when she pets my hair. Ugh she has such a Woah!! I fell off the rooftop, landing on all fours.
I woke up at nine in the morning in the real world. It was about as normal as normal can be. It was Sunday and most of everyone was leaving for church. I wanted to sleep in but... That dream??

Made me think too hard. I wash my face with water and look at my face in the mirror. Yeah, this is the face that needed sleep. I looked pale, sickly pale. "Adrien?" Natalie knocks on my bathroom door and I stumble back, realizing I was half naked with only boxers on, about to take a shower.

"Dont come in!! Uh Natalie can you cancel any plans for this day? I feel sick and I'm going to go back to bed after I take my shower" I say. "Still need to eat breakfast. I'm bringing it to you and leaving it on your dresser for you to eat" she says and I can hear heels clicking away. "Thank you Natalie" I say, picking myself off the floor.

I took my shower and put on my pj's and walk out to see my bowl of cereal on the dresser with a glass of orange juice. I ate quickly and went to bed again.
This next dream was a continuation of my last dream. It was Friday, the next day after the whole deal of making a theme song. I decided to walk to school since taking that route always seems the prettiest. I join up with Marinette as she is walking too, alone. "Oh hi Marinette" I say, catching up to her.

She blushes and yawns loudly "h.. hi Adrien! Ohmygosh I am so sorry I must have been rude!" She says. I yawn, "why are you.. yawning... Sorry I must have sounded rude too!" I say, laughing it off. "I had late night figh- I mean STUDYING!!" She says as she yawns again.

"I was late night fencing" I say, trying to play cool. "Ah cool... Fencing" she looks down and smiles. "Well I better get going!" I say when we reach the school. "Bye!!" She says and waves for around thirty seconds before Alya stops her.

"Yo! Adrien! How's it goin?" Nino asks me. "Fine, how are you?" I say as I walk up towards him.
"Fine my friend!" He says and I cough. I cough so much, a blonde hairball comes out. A freaking hairball. "Woah is that a hairball?! What the" Nino shook his head and I threw it away in the trash can nearby. I could see Marinette talking with Alya and ladybugs flew onto her arm.

"I uh... Better go" I say and run into the school, heading strait for the bathrooms. I looked in the mirror and saw a cat walk in. "Is this a cat convention or something?!" I say as three more cats come in. I look into the mirror again and see that my eyes have gone green like they usually are when I'm Cat Noir.

I heard a shriek coming from the girls bathroom and someone ran outside the building. I ran too and went to my house, passing a very familiar bakery. "What?! Cat?!" I heard someone say from up above. It was ladybug on the balcony. I jump up on the pole and climb up to where she was. Her mask was stuck onto her face and she was starting to look more like herself. "Ladybug??" I asked.

My nails have grown and I notice what's going on. "Cat you care to tell me what's going on?" She looks at me. "Either we are dying, or turning into the animals we portray as" I say. This is going to be a weird dream.

((Hey guys, Lemmix here. If it seemed good, go right on ahead. Trust me, this story has been through a lot as have I. Started this in November of 2015. Haven't stopped since then. I really appreciate the support I have gotten and I hope you would continue to read my work's. If you don't think this little RP was good, it's fine I won't judge, it was pretty cringy tbh. Love y'all!


Dreaming (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic) [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora