Chapter 18

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The image is to help visualize my description of Phantom's new outfit and it doesn't belong to me.

I really wanted to leave you waiting for an hour, but that fast response from you guys made me break; so here's the new chapter. ENJOY!!!!

Red that was all I could see. How dare all the criminals and villains of Jump City escape? While I was away with my little brother, which I just reunited with! I needed to let some of my anger out, so I walked to one of the trees that were close to the road and started to hit it.

Meanwhile, Danny just watched silently and grabbed the weird communicator; he saw an older boy that looked like Tucker, but with half of his face with metal. The boy was also staring at him and then started to speak.

- Hey, are you Danny, Rob's little brother?-

- Yeah, who are you?- asked Danny

- I'm Cyborg nice to meet you. But, where's Robin?- asked Cyborg

- Demolishing a tree with his bare fists, but I'm guessing we'll need a way to get to Jump City quickly. Do you have any idea how to do it?-

- Okay, I tell Raven to open a portal in five minutes, so could you get Robin to stop and prepare?- said Cyborg

- Sure, see ya in five!- said Danny a little too excited; Cyborg would have to talk to Robin about Danny's reactions

Danny looked at the time in his new smartphone; he didn't have a watch, he hated them. He decided to give Robin two more minutes before telling him the plan, so he started to inspect his insignia on the phone and that made him think of a way "he" could help out. Smirking at his plan, he started to walk towards Robin who, thankfully, had calmed down. He quickly explain the plan and in a minute they were on the motorcycle waiting for the portal to appear. As soon as it did, Robin let go of the brake and in no time, they had gone through the portal. They were greeted by an amazing view of the sky and the ocean; Danny, barely letting Robin park the motorcycle, jumped and ran to the edge of the roof. He smile at the view and understood that he had found his second sanctuary. He happily turns around; he saw that Robin had run half way towards him and a figure with a cloak that covered them completely was watching them. Danny didn't like been watch, but from the figure he didn't feel danger so he didn't mind that much.

- Are you insane? Do you want me to die of a heart attack?- shouted Robin when he was right in front of Danny, who cringed at the volume of his voice

- Sorry, didn't mean to worry you.- Danny said while looking at the floor

- No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted. Now, let's go so you can meet the others.- said Robin walking towards the door

- Actually, I need to call a friend of mine!- he received a curious glance from his brother- I'm going to ask him to help you with your problem.-

- Danny, I know you want to help, but I don't think...- Danny didn't let him finish

- Come on, I wouldn't call if I didn't trust him and besides it'll be free of charge!- Robin couldn't stop a chuckle before nodding at Danny

- Fine, but make it quick. We'll be waiting in the living room; to get there just go down the stairs, walk directly until you see the elevator, go in and press the L2, from there you can just hear our voices or shout to find us.- after that quick explanation he was gone

Danny made a quick note of the route he needed to take and then concentrated on making a duplicate of himself as Phantom without transforming. As soon as he was done he opened his eyes and was surprised by what he saw. Phantom's outfit had change from the hazmat suit to similar clothes to the ones he had; a black shirt with white details, short sleeves, more adjusted to his body and his insignia on the upper right of his torso (where a small pocket would usually be located), his pants were pretty much like Tucker's but this were black and almost covered his boots, that were like Sam's but with white straps, he also had fingerless gloves, a multi-utility belt, goggles and a black cloak. He liked this outfit more than the hazmat suit, but he was confused as to where it came from.

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