Chapter 12

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It's been a while...sorry it's just that I was busy, but I will compensate it with a long chapter...almost 2,000 words...ENJOY!!!

After a long day of driving and passing through cities without much time to rest, Robin finally arrive to Illinois and in a few hours he'll be in Amity Park. He knew that something was wrong, but he didn't know what to be prepare for. Millions of scenarios ran through his mind and for the first time in a long while he felt scare for his little brother. But there was a problem at hand and he needed help.

- Excuse me, is this the road to Amity Park?- asked a slightly embarrassed Robin

- Yeah, you're going in the right direction!- answer a man in his late sixty

- Thanks for the help, sir!- answer Robin while preparing to take off

- You're welcome, young man.- said the man and that was the last thing Robin heard

In the next few hours, Robin kept driving without stopping or admiring his surroundings, all that matter was getting to Danny. So when he finally arrives to Amity Park he wasn't expecting what he saw. It was a big discussion between three couples and it was really loud, so Robin got closer to try to find out what was the problem.

- How DARE YOU do this to my SAMMIKINS?- shouted one of the woman

- And what about my Tucker, he was like a BROTHER to YOUR SON?- shouted the other woman, but she was a lot more calmer than the first one

- I'm sorry, but what THEY did was WRONG! JAZZ was also INVOLVED and she's paying for her crimes!- shouted the last woman, who was wearing something like a body suit

- I always knew that YOUR SON was a bad influence for my Sammy!- shouted the first woman, who seem to have popped out of an old magazine about rich people

- You could have told US and we could have decided on what to do!- shouted the second woman, who was black and had a more normal clothes than the other two

- It was the right choice! Now let's go, we need to see Jazz!- said one of the men, who was dressed with another body suit probably the third woman's husband

- You're right!- with that said they got inside of a weird RV and sped off

Robin thought of what to do and decided to speak to the remaining couples. After all, the names sounded similar to Danny's friends.

- Excuse me; I couldn't help but to hear your discussion. What's wrong?- asked Robin hoping that they could help him

- ...- nobody said anything while deciding if to tell everything to a child, but they all felt the commanding aura that he emitted and so decided to tell him

- Well, what happened was that a few pictures were delivered to the Fenton's house and they decided to publish these pictures in the news without consulting us. I mean the pictures were about our children!- said the perfectly dressed woman

- But what did the pictures showed that they were doing?- asked Robin a bit confused

- The pictures were of the kids with Phantom! I mean it probably was his fault and not the kids, but no it always start with their obsession and...- continue the perfectly dressed woman

- Wait, who's Phantom?- interrupted Robin

- You aren't from around here, are you?- asked the husband of the more normal looking woman

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