Chapter 4

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- Jack, we need to talk about Danny.- said Maddie to her husband while closing the door to the lab

- Of course, Mads. Did he break something at school again?- reply Jack Fenton with a small frown

- No, that's normal. What I want to talk about is that I heard Danny talking about finding his older brother. Jack, he remembers and didn't tell us anything!!!- exclaimed Maddie while shouting, all her fear of losing her baby boy making her panic

- Mads, I'm sure you heard wrong. Don't you remember all of the doctors we went to when he first arrive? All so he would tell us what he remember.- said Jack in an unusual calm voice for such an hyperactive man

- No, I'm not wrong. He...he said that maybe this was it, that maybe that boy, whoever he was, was his brother.- tried to reason Maddie with her husband

- Maddie, we can't do anything to stop Danny from finding his only blood family that he has left.- said Jack trying in vain to calm Maddie down

- No. Don't you understand? He will leave us for that brother of his and won't ever return. And he's MY baby boy and I won't let anyone take him away from me.- shouted Maddie before storming out of the lab

- This won't end well...- whisper Jack after watching Maddie leave

While this was happening in the Fenton's residence, there was a much happier conversation a few states away. The titans were happily listening to Robin talk about his possible little brother and watching already how Robin was contacting the East Titans. That was probably to ask Aqualad to come and help out, while he was going to Amity Park. Even though Robin has always been serious and most times hided his emotions, this time he just couldn't and it show in all his body. He was happy, excited and probably couldn't wait to see his possible little brother.

- Alright, Aqualad will be here in a few hours and as soon as he gets here I will be leaving, so I'm going to pack somethings for the trip.- said Robin before he left the living room

- Dude, it's so weird to see Robin not Robin.- said Beast Boy

- Yo, grass-stain, he finally found his brother after all those years, don't you think he would be happy?- said Cyborg glaring slightly at Beast Boy to get his point across

- Hey, is not that I don't get it,'s weird.- tried to explain Beast Boy

After two hours the titans saw Robin in a super casual outfit, but still intimidating and even more with the dark sunglasses. He was done packing and had already prepared his "normal" motorcycle, normal looking but way faster than any other motorcycle. An hour later Aqualad arrived, so they decided to eat something before Robin had to leave and they could catch up with stories from the East Titans. Needless to say, Robin was the first to finish his meal but stayed for ten minutes, probably out of courtesy, then he said "Bye" and took off to Amity Park, Illinois. Of course none of his friends question his behavior since they knew he was excited to see Daniel. But they all shared one last thought before returning their attention to the meal and that was that everything went great for Robin.

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