Chapter 6

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Before you start reading this chapter I would like to apologize for the long wait and short chapter. But I was a bit busy, anyway enjoy...

After five hours of straight driving, Robin had arrived to the state of Nevada and was relief to finally take a rest. He found a small motel to pass the night in and a diner to have breakfast in the morning. Robin didn't know why he felt he needed to get to Amity Park as soon as possible. At first he thought that it was his excitement, but then he felt like something bad was going to happen. It was just like the feeling and pain he felt two years ago, during the week of his little brother birthday. Of course even if he wanted to be there in a few hours it was impossible, at least without teleportation at hand, since it was a thirty hours trip. Robin could get there in two and half or three days but that would be including a few stops for rest and food, and even then he felt like he was taking way to long. But at same time he felt that he should keep his energy up just in case something was to happen.

Back at Titan Tower, after catching up on everyone's life, they all went to their rooms to think and rest for the night. Then morning came and all the titans had different thoughts about Robin's little brother and breakfast was just the perfect time to talk about it.

- Morning everyone, who wants some tofu?- asked an energized Beast Boy

- Morning, who wants a real breakfast?- asked Cyborg

- Hey, tofu is real food!- exclaimed Beast Boy

- No, is not. It's actually a sad excuse for food.- explain Cyborg in a calm voice

- STOOOOP IT!!! Why are you two fighting? Can you just both cook whatever you want?- shouted a confused Aqualad

- Dude, what's wrong with you? We do this almost every day.- said Beast Boy in a matter of fact kind of voice

- EVERY DAY???- screamed Aqualad

- Dude, I said almost.- explain Beast Boy

- That's still to MANY!!- continue shouting Aqualad

- Stop shouting and finish making breakfast!!!- said a really dark voice that everyone knew that belong to a mad Raven

- Eep, tofu for two coming right up!- said Beast Boy, while quickly making breakfast and serving it in two plates; one for himself and the other for Aqualad

- *Cough* Has anyone thought about Robin's little brother?- said Cyborg obviously trying to change the subject

- Oh, he is such a cute little thing. I can't wait to meet him!!- shrieked Starfire while flying around their living room

- How are we going to meet him? Robin only went to see him, not to bring him here with us.- said Raven already back to her monotone voice

- Yeah, Raven's right. But, that doesn't mean we can prepare a room for him. You know he could come for a visit?- said Cyborg trying to cheer Beast Boy and Starfire up

- That is a glorious idea, friend Cyborg!- exclaim an overexcited Starfire

- Yeah, I'm with you Star. Now, which floor should the room be in?- continue an equally excited Beast Boy

- Are you sure that we should do this? I mean, don't we have to ask Robin first?- asked Aqualad thinking that it was a really bad idea

- Soooo, what do you think Star? I think that he would prefer a room that was closer to the roof.- said Beast Boy completely ignoring what Aqualad said

- Oh yes, I thought he would much prefer a room closer to the rooftop.- continue Starfire, also ignoring Aqualad

Aqualad was about to protest, but Raven gave him a look that said to forget about it and then she disappeared. Of course Aqualad couldn't do that and went to convince Cyborg that the room was a bad idea, but found him already searching for new furniture and knew he had no choice but to give up, even if he wasn't happy about it.

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