Chapter 11

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Wow, is been a while seems I updated. I was kind of busy and still are, but whenever I get the chance I will write and update. Have a nice time and read away...

- Tech Master, come in. I need a favor.- whispered Danny into the F. Phones so Maddie wouldn't hear him

- Tech Master, here! What can I help you with?- answer Tucker

- There's a change of plans, I'll explain later. But now, I need you to track Robin's cellphone, keep me inform of his localization and to tell Goth Goddess to explain the situation to him.- whispered Danny in a commanding voice

- Man, you sure about telling him?- asked Tucker

- Yes, is for the best. I explain more, but later.- answer Danny

- Alright, remember that we try to change your decision if it's too risky, but your our leader and we will follow you.- said Tucker

- Thanks, it means a lot to me. Bye.- whispered Danny

- Bye, Danny.- said Tucker

As soon as he heard Tucker's goodbye, Danny hides the F. Phones and just as they were out of sight he heard Maddie heading towards the lab's door. She didn't take too long before been down the stairs and in front of him with five pancakes. Danny paled at the sight of the pancakes, granted that he would have gulfed them down in a few seconds before, but now with all the extra energy he doesn't need it.

- Hi, sweetie, here's your breakfast. I'm sorry it took so long, but with Robin's unexpected call, I got distracted.- said Maddie while giving Danny his huge breakfast

- ...- Danny silently grabbed the pancakes while trying his best to not insult the woman in front of him

- Sweetie, you aren't mad at me. Are you?- asked Maddie with a bit of concern in her voice

- ...- again Danny stayed quiet, knowing that he wouldn't be able to stop the insults that rested in his tongue

- Daniel, are you giving me the silence treatment?- asked Maddie losing her patience, little by little

- No, everything's fine...- said Danny and adding under his breath a few insults in Esperanto

- What was that, Daniel? I didn't hear you.- said Maddie trying to not get mad at her baby boy, but he was doing a good job at irritating her

- Nothing!!!- hissed Danny while starting to eat a bit of pancakes, already planning on eating only one

- Alright, I'll be back in twenty minutes and I expect to see that plate empty.- said Maddie, almost shouting in the start

After saying that she went straight for the stairs and missed completely all the mean looks that Danny gave her. Then Danny continues eating one of the pancakes and then started to mash the others and make it seem like he ate more than just one. Meanwhile in Tucker's house, a certain Goth had arrived.

- Tuck, was going on?- asked Sam

- Well, Danny contacted me, just ten minutes before you got here and told me there was a change of plans.- explained Tucker

- WHAT???- shouted Sam

- Calm down and I'll explain everything, alright?- said Tucker while watching as Sam became calmer and then she gave him the okay

- Alright, this is what happened...- started Tucker

After ten minutes of telling everything that he knew, Sam had already broken his chair, tried to murder one of his PDA's and shouted like a maniac. Then she started to calm down again and was already thinking on how much she could or should tell Robin about the situation.

- Alright, did you hack Robin's cellphone yet?- asked Sam

- Yes, I was finished before you arrived. Let me tell you it has a great security system, but I'm too good at hacking.- answer Tucker with a grin on his face

- Come on, let's call him already and stop bragging.- said an exasperated Sam

- Okay, okay, I'm calling...- said Tucker while making the call from his computer- This is bad.

- Why?- asked Sam

- Because he's already on the road and I don't think that he's going to notice any of our calls.- explained Tucker

- Then how are we supposed to explain the situation and change the plan?- asked Sam beginning to panic

- Well, we could wait for him to either make a stop and check his cellphone or to arrives to Amity Park and ambush him.- suggested Tucker

- You know what Tuck?- asked Sam not actually waiting for an answer- That's actually a great idea!!

- Really? I mean, I'm a genius.- exclaimed Tucker

- Calm down dork, that's only one good idea from millions of horrible ones.- said Sam

- How is it that you are my best friend?- asked Tucker

- ...- Sam said nothing while laughing her head off

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