(AOT) Mosquitoes!

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Frowning you played with your bread, pulling it apart as you stared across the table at your Captain and Petra. You spat that name with disgust. You never liked Petra, she was nice, and sweet, and was kind to Eren; but she was always with Levi. Bumping you out of the way to sit with him during meal time. Slipping past you to stand next to him during training. Always grabbing papers from your hands to deliver to him for Hanji.

It irritated you. Especially because you're Levi's partner during expeditions and Hanji kept asking (*cough* orders *cough*) you to help him out after you told her you like how Levi's not that much taller than you. I mean you're 125 cm (4' 11") only 35 cm shorter than his 160 cm (5' 3") frame. So yeah, him being barely taller then you is awesome, and his eyes are amazing, and his hair is gorgeous, and his demeanor, and his abs- OK SO YOU HAVE A SMALL CRUSH ON HIM BUT THAT'S NORMAL RIGHT? 

So seeing Petra's hand on his arm is bound to make you jealous. Sighing you looked down and continued tearing your bread. 

"(Y/N)~," Hanji leaned next to you. "Where you staring at Shorty over there?" She started nudging you with her elbow. "Huh? Huh? HUH~? It's cause you love him, don't you? Right? Right~?" She teased.

You blushed and shook your head. "Hanji, please shut up." Popping the crumbs of the torn bread in you mouth, you went outside to watch the sunset. Getting up from your seat and walking towards the doors you hear a scrape of wood on wood; signaling someone getting up and following you. You internally sigh, thinking it was Hanji coming to tease you more.

Crossing the training fields and climbing the top of a nearby hill, you spend almost 20 minutes just watching the sun set behind the wall. As it does the tension release from your shoulders. In your bubble of serenity, you didn't notice someone walking behind you.


You jump to your feet, turning around and snapping into a defense position. Brown eyes stares into (e/c), rather shocked at your position. You relax, recognizing your teammate Petra.

Barely suppressing an eye roll, you greet her. "Hey Petra, what's up?"

She tilted her head. "I have a question for you. Do you mind?"

You shook your head.

"Great!" She smiled. "I was wondering how you got into the Special Operation Squad?"

"I got in like everyone else. I was picked by Levi." You frowned at her, confused.

"Oh no, I knew that. I meant how did you? You're rather useless, I think you're kill count is 3 solo and 4 team assisted. Right? Actually, why did they even let you sign up in the Survey Corps. You weren't in the top 10 and you skimmed by the titan exams." She peered at you, like she was only asking you what the weather was like, and NOT insulting you.

You stood, hurt. How could someone you've known for years be able to insult you like this. Before Petra could hurdle another comment to you, you straightened your spine. 

"They let me in because I volunteered. Levi chose me because of my 3DMG skills and how I could distract titans while he killed them. So half of Levi's kills are assisted by ME. Now if you excuse me." You take a step back before almost turning around, stopping midway to focus on Petra's clear cheek.

"Petra, hold still." Before she could do anything, you hauled backed and slapped her across the cheek. 

Petra's head snapped to the side and her hand shook as she pressed it to where you hit her. "WHAT THE HELL (Y/N)?!" She glared at you.

Shrugging, you turn back around and walked back to bed. "There was a mosquito." You paused, placing a finger to your chin. "Or it could have been a freckle, either one."

Anyme, or Any Anime,Oneshots x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora