(APH) 15 years Arthur

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To: Iggy-Brows Arthur

We've been together 15 years. Standing side by side against the world. Ups and downs, thick and thin we've always been together.

So it's only natural for me to fall in love with you.

I love the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about a book you've read. And how your blond hair glistens in the rare sunlight that happens in London. And how you some how burn everything you cook. And how you've argued with teachers about getting historical facts wrong. And how one of your eyebrows is always thicker than the other. And how you secretly love punk bands. And how oblivious you are. And how you never seem to get the tea taste just right. And how you always create these hilarious insults. And how you know more about Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Sherlock then anyone I've ever meet. And how, even as awkward as you are, you know exactly what to say.

The first time you told me about your crush in high school, I was shocked. I didn't want to believe you found someone you liked. And the way you went on and on about how perfect she was irritated me. 

After you came back from your first date, you chatted about how she loved it for hours. I was glad she got the perfect date I didn't. 

When you came to me telling how she cheated on you, I was happy. I didn't think she deserved you, but I tempered my emotions to help comfort you. 

A year past and you finally asked another girl to date you. Being the coward you were you sent me in to help find out what she would like. When she told me, I was tempted to lie and sabotage your plans, but you flashed those forest green eyes and I spoke the truth. Needless to say, you were shocked. 

She was your opposite in every way yet you two stayed together for 3 years before you proposed. I'll be honest; I hate her. She always knows how to make you smile and laugh. What makes you mad and how to make you cry. She knows the real you. So I think she's perfect for you.

3 years I've been sitting here in jealousy as green as your eyes. 3 years I've waited for you to break up with her. But it's been 15 years I've waited for you to look at me. 

So now on our anniversary, I'm giving you this letter to say goodbye to our old life together and hello to our new lives separate. 

Loving you since the day we meet.

Goodbye forever,



Here you go.

Word count: 445

I'm in an angisty mood



Merry Holidays everyone.

And a Happy New Year.

Anyme, or Any Anime,Oneshots x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz