Chapter 15 : Nicknames and a Shock

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“Yes. How do you know my mom?” I asked him suspiciously.


“She taught my cousin for his exams,” he said.


My mother is a university mathematics professor. She was persuaded by Ashwin's mother to help him for his exams. 


Before I could tell this intruder to leave me alone, he sat  down cross-legged on the grass facing me with the determined intention of striking a conversation.


“What’s your name?” he asked curiously.


“Zoya Subramaniam.” I reply “Yours?”


“Jaynarain Venkatramanbhavani” he said proudly.


“That’s one long name,” I said snootily.


“The same goes for you. I have never met any South Indian with such a short name,” he said.


“My surname compensates for it,” I retort,“What does Jaynarain mean anyway?”


“Victory,” he said proudly.


“Alright,” I tried to end the conversation there, when he suddenly removed something from his pocket.


“Is that a slingshot? Are you going to hit me? You better be careful, my dad will not spare you if you do,” I said a little scared.


“No. It’s not. It’s a Yo-Yo. My uncle brought it for me from Canada,” he said showing off his newest possession.


“Oh, good!” I said in a relieved manner. "Lucky you. What does it do? Any specific purpose it serves?” I add as my scientific brains got into action.


“Well, I’m still investigating it thoroughly. Once I come to know, I’ll submit my research paper to you,” he said seriously, mocking me. 


“Keep it away from me until you know exactly what it is used for and how to use it,” I said haughtily. 


“Are you afraid of my yo-yo, Zoya?” he teased me.


“Of course not. I just don’t want to roam around with a black eye or other colorful bruises on my body,” I scoff.  

Accidentally, In love ( UNDER EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now