"John, please?"

"Well, since you asked so nicely." John didn't know why exactly he gave in to Pete. Probably because he was annoying as hell and he wouldn't leave him alone until they talked.

He turned to Pete whilst lighting a ciggie. "Waddya say we go to Strawberry Fields?" Shotton nodded, following him to their old hang out.

John sat down next to the lad he used to call his best friend. They leaned back against the tree, taking in the scene in front of them. They've shared many memories here that neither boy dared mention. Not after what they have been through in the past two years or so.

"I didn't come here to lounge around with ye, Shotton."

"Yes, I know," Pete replied casually.

"Get on with the show, then."

Pete closed his eyes, trying to figure out how to start this. "Remember when you were beating the shite out of me and you were accusing me of being jealous of Paul?"


"Well....I am." He looked over at John with sincerity in his eyes. John raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to go on.

"I know we weren't really mates anymore, even before you met Paul, but when you two became friends...I don't know. You two were closer than we've ever been and it made me...upset. I just missed bein' your friend, ye know?"

"You confessin' your love to me, Shotton?"

"Oh, yes! I love you with all my heart, John Winston Lennon! Take me back, yeah?" Pete joked rather dramatically. Except for the last part. He wanted John to be his friend again. He missed his wit and sarcasm. It was weird, yes, but sometimes it's just something you want in your life.

John chuckled lightly and leaned his head against the trunk of the tree they were sitting next to. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he missed the old days, when him and Pete were best mates, running around and joking with eachother. Sharing great memories.

"What do ye say, Lennon? Be me mate again?" Pete asked, his face plastered with hope. John wanted to say yes, but he couldn't do it right away. He had a reputation after all.

"It depends. Are ye goin' to hurt Paul anymore?"


"Are you gonna be a dick all the time?"

Pete shook his head, letting a little laugh escape his lips. "No. I won't."

"Alright, then," John said, rising to his feet. "I'll see you around, Pete." And with that, he started his trek back home.

Maybe he should stop at Paul's. Or maybe he should just leave him be. Was he being too clingy?

He decided on going straight home, and if Paul wanted to see him he could come see him.

And John guessed Paul had wanted to see him because, as he turned to go down the street to his house, he saw a figure retreating from his yard.

It was Paul, of course.

"Hello, Macca," John greeted.

"Hello, Johnny boy! Where 'ave ye been?"

"Just went to Strawberry Fields." They started walking down the street, away from Johns-- or should I say Mimi's house.

"What for?" Paul asked, or interrogated rather.

"Aren't you a nosy little ponce," John cackled.

"I am not. I just wanna make sure you're not cheatin' on me."

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