Your an Idiot

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Emily's POV
I was just sitting their when Andy came back down stairs. I secretly grabbed and book and hid behind a corner. When Andy walked in I smacked him the back of his head with a book. "YOUR AN IDIOT" I yell and put the book back. "Why did you fucking smack me with a book" Andy asked getting really mad. "Because you just broke my friends heart. She doesn't even like that Ricky guy. For the past three years I've only heard her talk about YOU. Infinity loves YOU. No one else. And you can't get pissed if someone just messages her. If you really don't like him then you can grow the fuck up and talk to her about it." I yell at Andy. I was starting to get really mad(and she has really bad anger problems). I could tell because my skin was starting to feel like if was burning and that only happened when I was as mad as I am right now. Suddenly Andy slapped me. I heard someone stand up from the couch. "Andy get the fuck away from her" I heard Jake yell. I glared at him and he sat down not wanting to make me anymore mad. I look at Andy and I punch him. "Now the next time you hurt infinity. I am going to fucking shoot you" I say meaning every word. I grab my phone and walk into the back yard. I start playing music threw my headphones. I suddenly fall to my knees. I start crying. I let my life get in front of making infinity's perfect. I'm a failure. Suddenly I remembered about my uncles funeral. I text infinity and say "My uncle died infinity. And Jake said he's going with me. So you don't haft to go. But just know you have an invitation to come.". I lay in the grass starring at the night sky. When someone sits next to me and lays down with me and wraps their arms around me. I instantly knew who it was. "God. Why is infinity and Andy's relationship so complicated" I ask. "I don't know. But what you did earlier. You didn't haft to do for infinity." Jake said. "Infinity's like family to me. I never let something like that happen to my family. Well my family's dead so she's the only family i got" I say. Jake pulled me closer to him. Suddenly Jake picked me up and carried inside. I saw a glimpse of Andy with a bloody lip. I sigh. I just dig my face into jakes neck. Soon we were upstairs and Jake took me to my room. "If you want you can sleep in my room." Jake said. " I can sleep in your room if you really want me to" I say. I saw Jake smile. "Well I haft to get ready from bed then I'll come to your room." I say and walk into my room and close the door. I sigh. I threw my Beanie off and threw it on my bed. I take a shower then I put on a all black shirt and black yoga pants that were long on me. I pull my gun out of my jacket and tuck it in my yoga pants. I brush my hair. I grab my phone and phone charger then walk out. I walk to jakes room and knocked. No one answered. I walked in and saw Jake asleep. I smile and walk to the empty side of the bed. I place my gun on the night stand and plug my charger in the wall and plug my phone in. I sit on the bed and got under the covers. I lay next to Jake and put my arm around him. Jake woke up and turned around and put him arms around me. He kissed me then laid on his back so I could lay my head on his chest. Tomorrow I need to get plane tickets to Oklahoma. And I haft to move everything out of my apartment when we get to Oklahoma. But for now. I just wanted to lay in jakes arms and fall asleep. I suddenly blacked out.

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