❄︎ Taken ❄︎

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Luke's POV: 

"C'mon mum pick uppp" I mumbled as I raked a shaking hand through my brown curls, once again pressing to call my mother. 

"Luke, you've tried five times. Let's just drive home like we should've right at the beginning" Beau said, curling a hand around my phone and slowly taking it out of my grip.

"Are James and Skip done talking to the officers?" I asked, watching Beau pocket my phone then look over his shoulder at the police. 

"Yea they're coming now" he muttered. 

"What's the plan?" Skip questioned, stepping next to Beau with James beside him. 

"We're driving back to our place, and we're telling mum what has happened. There's not much we can do except wait for the police to find him" Beau sighed. 

The two boys nodded, then the four of us walked to the car, leaving the police still looking for clues. As if we hadn't looked a hundred times already. We drove back to the house, and I ran to the door in an instant, slamming it open then rushing up to my mum's room. 

"Mum?! Mum something has happened. Something bad!" I yelled, reaching her bedroom door and pulling it open to find an empty room. 

"What's wrong?" James asked, coming up the stairs and watching as I stared into the room. 

"She's not here. Why is she not here? She would've texted if she went out. She gets super worried about that kind of shit. Beau! Get up here now!" I shouted and Beau came running up the stairs looking worried. 

"What is it? What's happened?" he asked, looking at both of our faces with concern. 

"Mum's not here. She didn't text you did she? Because she's supposed to be here. And if she's not here, and she didn't text. Then something is wrong. What if dad came here as well? What if he took her as well as Jai? What if they're both on their way to Sydney as we speak?" I rambled, pressing the palm of my hands to my forehead. 

"He left a note where Jai was. Is there a note in mum's room anywhere?" Beau questioned and I pushed into mum's room again to check with the others at my heel. 

"Yea right here!" James exclaimed, picking up a small piece of paper from the bed. 

"Read it out loud" I ordered. 

"What are you guys doing?!" Skip called from downstairs. 

"Come up here and we'll explain!" Beau yelled back.

"Ok the note says, Hello boys, if you're reading this, you would have already noticed that Jaidon is gone, and now so is your mother. Don't try finding us, we'll be home soon, and it'll be quite a challenge seeking us out. Bye kiddos, Dad" James read aloud, staring at me in horror. 

"No no no no no this is bad this is really bad. He's going to hurt them. I can't let this happen no no no not my family. I need them here, I need them with me, th-they can't leave us" I sobbed, clinging to the hem of Beau's shirt and trying to keep in tears. 

"Luke, I know this is bad, but we will find them. The police will find them, and as soon as they do they will save them. Right now, there's not much we can do. So we need you to keep calm ok? I can't have you breaking down on me, that's not what mum would want. That's not what Jai would want. You need to be strong until they're found ok?" Beau said, staring me right in the eyes and holding my arm that was still grasped around the material of his shirt. 

"Well what do we do? Do we just wait for the police to find them? What are we going to tell the school? 'Oh sorry, Jai was kidnapped by our good for nothing father who left us when we were toddlers and abused Jai till he was 16 but ya know, just the usual family problems, so he won't be coming into school for a little while'?" I asked sarcastically. 

"We tell them that he's sick, i'm 18, I can sign off that he's having days off just because he's sick" he sighed. 

"Great, you can do the same for me, because I am sure not going back to school with both Jai and mum in Sydney with dad" 

"No Luke, you're going to school whether you like it or not. Jai and mum will be home soon, so we just need to go along our daily lives and before you know it they'll be back" 

"You don't know that for sure. Listen to your voice, it's shaking have you noticed?" 

"Of course i've noticed, i'm just as hurt as you are, but because i'm the older brother here, i'm keeping strong for your sake" 

"You don't have to keep strong for my sake" 

"Yes I do, or we would both be having panic attacks on the floor with no way out"

"He's right Luke, we need to go back to school on Monday and act like everything is fine" James said. 

"They'll be home soon, we promise" Skip added. 

"Whatever, i'm going to get some sleep. No one wake me up tomorrow because i'm sure as hell not going to be getting out of bed until Monday morning" I grumbled, walking to mine and Jai's shared room. 

"Well night Luke" Beau sighed right before I had shut the door and collapsed onto Jai's bed. 

"Please come home soon Jai" I whispered to nothing in particular, letting sleep take over my body in seconds. 

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New chapter :) It's not really important, but its a chapter soo :) Hope it was okk

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Bella ❄︎

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