"They will take you to Four and the others. And when you find them. Kill them all. I don't want any resistance." Commander Deltoch nods in compliance, moving towards the door to perform his beloved leaders commands.

"What? No you can't do that? That's impossible" Marina says the words previously spoken blowing her mind out of physical reality.

Setrakus turns to Marina. "Impossible is not in the Mogadorian vocabulary." He says, his signature smirk plastered across his face once again.

Before I can say anything else 3 Mogs come in. Each assigned to the Loric's that were known to Setrakus all along. "Please stay strong! I will find you! Even if you don't remember me! I won't give up." I say before they are all being dragged out of the room, each already being drained with the blue serum.

"Now you two is where my real quarrel right now is. You, Eleven, are going to tell me how you got here." He says as he moves over to a still unconscious Nate. Swatting his head from side to side attempting to wake him.

I can see the lack of energy and the fatigue Nate is suffering. He is an inch from death already. And looking at his broken, fragile body breaks my heart into a million pieces, as if my body is literally shutting down in shock that Nate could possibly be dead. The only person I have ever loved, the only person who has and ever will understand me fully.

"We came by a small pod like ship. We were only young." I say, my body not being able to comply with my defensive personality.

"Hmm, okay, interesting. And how did you evade my knowledge of you." He asks, his eyes darkening at the inferior feeling he gets from being, well plain stupid.

I stay silent at his question, refusing to answer. He rolls his eyes, and slightly growls at my defiance.

"If you do not tell me. I will kill him." He says pointing at Nate.

I keep my mouth shut. Calling his bluff. He needs Nate, I know that if I do not answer his questions, he will get Nate to. But Nate will also refuse to answer.

"I am not kidding. He has given me all the information he is willing to give me." Setrakus says, allowing for the information he is saying to sink in. The only reason Nate is still alive is because of me. If I refuse, he will die. I can't give the information he wants, it will jeopardise everyone and the entire world. No one will be safe in hiding.

I knew how to hack their system so that it did not follow my existence. There was a cloud around my phone, I was an invisible Loric travelling wherever I pleased. But if he knows that, no one will be safe.

"Your time is up." Setrakus says, but I vaguely hear him until I hear a gunshot on the other side of the room. My head immediately springs up at the gun shot. An already pale Nate starting to go even paler. A slow seeping of red liquid making its way across Nates shirt in the middle of his chest. My breath is caught in my throat, my lungs feeling as if they are closing. Tears welling in my eyes. An immense emotion making its way across my body. A large pressure building in the back of my throat. Tears rolling down my face at the sight of my lover. My now dead lover. The man I have been protecting for my whole life. I have failed. I have failed him. I never got to say good bye.

The pressure in my throat builds even larger. And I can't hold it back. I let out a scream, an intense and agonising scream. Setrakus clutches his ears. My scream piercing his ear drums as I watch as his dark liquid seeps from his ear canals. Cracks appearing in the ceiling and the walls. The glass on the door breaks. My scream growing louder and louder. As if I am wailing for every lost soul that was on Lorien and the lost soul that I will never be able to see again.

The metal lock on the door starts to shake, the bulb bursting and launching against the opposite wall. My metal restraints shaking also. This scream sounding the start of a new legacy, a legacy that is more powerful than Setrukus Ra. A legacy that can evade his own.

I break out of the restraints and burst through the door. The ceiling crashing to the ground on top of Setrakus behind me just as I exit the room. I close my mouth and run through all the halls. After about 5 minutes of intense running. I can see cracks that are running through every single wall and ceiling. And as I near the exit. I release a final and last scream. Watching as the ceiling and walls collapse upon each other.

Realising I have won this fight, but I have lost everything. I have lost the one that has pulled me through everything. And I have lost my friends. He was right, physical damage does not hurt me. Emotional damage does. When everyone you have ever cared about I either dead, or does not know of your existence. That is a far worse reality to face then death itself.

As I run through the exit. The rubble and debris that surrounds the area outside I see what I've been hoping to see ever since I was taken. I see green, green grass, the icy wind blowing the leaves off the colored trees.

But as I take in the scenery. My own body relaxing and stopping to really remember this moment. A sharp pain soars throughout my chest. Liquid spilling out of my chest running down the front of my body.

I look down, a jagged blade sticking out of the middle of my body. I cough harshly. Blood spurting out of my mouth. And that's when I hear him.

"You were never going to win Eleven." He finishes, as my vision fades slowly into darkness. Knowing now, that I will not be finishing this fight with my brothers and sisters.

A.N: And there we are. The hidden truth of number 11 is officially complete. After two years of both fast and slow writing, it is complete. And I cannot thank you guys enough. Being there and supporting me, some silent, some spoken. I will not be writing a sequel as I wanted the story to run into the start of Revenge of Seven. As I started writing it after fall of fiveThank you all so much. I love you all! Your support has been so helpful!
I know many may be annoyed and upset that I have finished by killing my two main characters and I couldn't be anymore unhappy myself.
But my vision from the start for this fan fiction sequel was to have it move into revenge if seven from fall of five. As if it were a part of the series itself.
Thank you all so so much!

The hidden truth of Number 11. (I am number four)Where stories live. Discover now