Hospitals for Souls

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"Days have been well not so good I guess you can put it. I have no idea where the hell Josh is and my mom hasn't been home in 5 days.
I found Nick on Monday he had asked me if I had seen Josh but I was surprised that he didn't know where he was.
Everyday I had been going home to an empty house. My mom usually back every morning but not a sight of her. My father always off I didn't really care about him.
I went over to Josh's house on Saturday I meant to go earlier but I had a lot of homework to catch up on. I knocked on the door to see Josh answer the door. When he saw my face he went pale."
The last thing I remembered was getting picked up. I tried opening my eyes but it was so bright. I peeked my left eye just a little bit it was too much for me to handle so I closed it once more. I could not move. My body still. I heard people enter the room. I seemed to be in a hospital as I can make out. I can hear a women's heels pacing around the room, my mother. The work "arrhythmia" she speaks. She talks to another women, a nurse perhaps. "I'm so sorry." Is all I can make out from the nurse.
When I woke they told me what I had. Arrhythmia was some sort of heart disease. Deadly. The doctor had told my mom that it could strike at any moment. A piercing pain went through my body. I wouldn't be able to take this. How would I be able to tell Tyler?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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