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I actually didn't know how my family would react but I knew it would be nothing big. With all the kids in the house my parents stopped caring. There's me, the oldest. Then I have a brother that's 13, another brother of the age of 7, a sister also 7, then the youngest sibling is 4. I've only seemed to have a relationship with the four year old, him name was Max. He understands a lot for a little kid I tell him everything even if he doesn't understand. I drove Tyler home and apologized for my family. He didn't really seem to mind but he still didn't understand why I had invited him over. I just wanted to show him it was tough for me too.
I was sitting in my room and then I saw Nick (Josh's friend,,from ch. 2) pull up on my driveway. I got up and went outside to see him. The last time I talked to Nick was before I came out.  I made it outside to see him get out of the car. I thought he was gonna try to beat me or something like that but Nick just sat on the grass. He patted the patch of dead grass next to me signaling me to sit down. He looked up at me. "I was a jerk and I'm sorry, Josh. I really am." I let out a sigh. "It's okay." We sat there for a while until Nick began to talk again. "I asked everyone. Everyone to come and apologize. But no one came." I didn't know what to say but I just nodded my head. "Thanks it means a lot. It's been kinda rough but I'll be okay."
Nick has been hanging around me a lot lately. I mean a lot. All weekend he's been at my house. Tyler came over on Sunday while Nick was there and we all didn't do a lot expect look at each other with blank faces until Tyler decided to leave. I could feel Tyler distancing himself from me after Nick. Tyler never mentioned Nick but maybe it was for the better.
Monday morning I woke up with a pain piercing through my body. I couldn't move at all. My heart dropped while I try gasp for air. I try to yell for help. My eyes get hazy and I can't see. The last thing I remember is getting picked up.

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