I Hope You're Okay

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Me, not paying attention in fifth period pe gets hit with a wet and muddy soccer ball. My face covered in mud and I hear laughs from behind me. Sports weren't really my thing. But I don't really need to know if I had the ability to kick a ball in a goal. I have much bigger problems than that. Josh was in my pe hour I look up at him, whipping the mud off my face. He doesn't laugh like the rest of his friends he just has this serious look on his face. We make eye contact but he looks away and starts talking to his friends. The teacher blows the whistle and we all head in for the locker room.
I look at myself in the pe locker room. Taking off my shirt I just look at myself and I am discussed in who I am. I move my hands up to my sides. My ribs so visible I am so skinny. My arms not buff they are like weak sticks that are good for nothing. I shake my negativity away and finish getting dressed. I hear a bunch of boys coming down to this side of the room. It's Josh's friends but I don't see Josh anywhere. They are coming towards me. One of his friends, Nick pushes me into the lockers. It's a piercing pain through my head. I start getting dizzy and fall to the ground. My vision blurry but I hear everyone around me laughing. I can't find myself to get up an then I not sure who but they start kicking my side. It hurts bad but I try not to cry. I try to be strong hoping that Josh isn't around. I few minutes pass and I think everyone left I open my eyes and get up. Josh is sitting on the bench next to me. He looks at me and I run as fast as I could. He runs after me holding my shirt. I couldn't speak but I let out a "please". My arms shielding my face away from Josh's fist. He just laughs at me and let's me go. "I'm not here to hurt you." He laughs at me again. I wipe my tears away from my cheeks looking down at the floor. Josh then stops laughing and sits down again. "Look, I'm really sorry about what happened. My friends can be the worst sometimes." He look at me again but I'm still looking at the floor. "It's fine." I whisper. Then I start walking away again but Josh catches up to me again. "He look, my girlfriend is having a party tonight so why don't you come over for a bit?" I hated Sarah more than anything but I said "maybe" she bothered me a lot she always wore her clothes small and she was so stupid. Josh deserved better not saying that I was any better. But Josh is a good kid and he deserved someone as good.

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